Cutest Stalker Ever (Frodo)

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(Y/n) skipped happily along the cobblestone path that lead to the open-air market, a large woven reed basket on her arm. "Onions, apples, carrots, eggs, potatoes," she muttered to herself, a reminder of what her mother had sent her to purchase. (Y/n) giggled, remembering how her friend Samwise Gamgee pronounced the word 'potato.'

Suddenly, in a moment of quiet, she heard a twig snap behind her. She froze, hoping she wasn't about to be in serious trouble. She turned around slowly, only to see the form of a hobbit running in the opposite direction, a messenger bag slung over his shoulder. She thought she recognized that mop of dark curly hair, but it was hard to tell exactly who it belonged to from so far away, and from the back of his quickly retreating form.

Then she glanced down, an object catching her eye as something shiny glinted in the warm sunlight. A small drawing book, with gold inlay and spine. (Y/n) bent down and picked it up, gently opening the cover. On the first page it read, 'Property of Frodo Baggins.' Ah, so it was Frodo who was running away.

This must've fallen from his bag! (Y/n) thought. "I should return it to him...but mother said to be quick..." While wondering what to do, she turned another page in the book. Might as well see what's inside this while I walk to the market, she decided. I'll return it to him on my way home.

(Y/n) gasped at what was on the next page. It was..

"Me." Pictures and quick sketches of (y/n) riddled each and every page Frodo's small book. In some cases, her name appeared, along with little poems about her features or character or rants about how pretty and nice she was, and possibly the most disturbing fact was that she recognized some of the pictures.

One of the sketches on the first page (which had apparently been colored in with watercolors) showed her in a pretty blue dress while holding her baby sister, Charlene. That was at the Midsummer's Eve festival last year. (Y/n)'s cheeks flushed. "How long have you been spying on me, Frodo Baggins?" she mumbled to herself.

"Only about a year." (Y/n) spun around to see Frodo right behind her. "(Y/n), I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to..stalk you, I mean, I-well that is I um, I sort of, well..uh-" he stammered, unable to put his thoughts into words. His cheeks flushed as he saw her smile at him. "W-what is it?"

She looked down at the watercolor drawing again. "I remember this like it was yesterday. That was a brand new dress; Mother had just finished sewing it for me that morning." She gazed into Frodo's bright blue eyes, smiling. "You're a very talented artist, Mister Frodo."

Frodo blushed red all the way to the tips of his hobbit ears. "Well, an artist is only as good as his muse."

(Y/n) blushed as well. "Well, here's your book back," she handed over the book to Frodo, who accepted it eagerly.

"Miss (y/n), I'm um...I'm sorry I..spied on you." He winced, knowing how bad it sounded.

(Y/n) smiled sweetly. "It's quite all right, Frodo. But next time you wish to forever record me in the form of art, let me know so that I may look my best." She winked at him and turned back the way she had been originally headed. "Good morning, Mister Frodo."

"Good morning." Unbeknownst to (y/n), Frodo was grinning like a madman, finally possessing a little hope that his crush might just fancy him as well.

You know how I do this little symbol thing between a oneshot and the ending author's note? Well, for this book, it's PO-TAY-TOES!!!
This is for Jadewonders , I hope it was to your liking!☺️☺️

If not, I am so terribly sorry. Feel free to hate me with all the fiery wrath of Mordor.

To everyone: REQUEST!😃😃

Remember, I take requests for oneshots, preferences, and imagines, so don't hold back!!
Thanks, and see you soon!!!

Hobbit and Lord of the Rings oneshots, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now