Love Knows No Age (Especially When It Comes To Immortality) (Elrond)

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This was requested by Twag53 , sorry it's so late, hon!!
Just a warning, it might be short, APOLOGIES!!! Also I tweaked it JUST A TAD. I'm trying to get like four other requests, a part two, some imagines, and a few more original (and depressing) ideas for oneshots done, so these few requests might be...skimpy. Thanks for your patience!!!!!


Elrond seemed to be kind of spaced out in his meeting with Lady Galadriel and King Thranduil.


"..-ord Elrond?"

"Lord Elrond!!"

Elrond snapped out of his daydreams and quickly sat up straighter (somehow), and looked to Thranduil with a bit of blush on his cheeks. "Y-yes, mellon?"

Thranduil smirked. "What were you thinking about so deeply that you could not hear me calling your name, my friend?"

Elrond's blush deepened, causing Galadriel to smile as well. "Nothing...Thranduil, nothing."

"Oh come now, Elrond. We all know that is a lie. This meeting is boring enough, let us have some entertainment, yes? What were you dwelling upon?"

The Lord of Rivendell looked to his mother-in-law for support, but she only grinned. "Tell us, réd nin (my son)," Galadriel prompted.

Elrond took a nervous breath and looked at his hands, which were clasped together and lying on the table. "..The fair Lady (y/n) has been on my mind as of late," he reluctantly admitted.

Thranduil beamed at this; Lady (y/n) was a long-time friend of his, this was how Elrond had come to know her. "This is wonderful news, mellon!" the King of Mirkwood exclaimed, clapping his friend on the shoulder, as he was seated beside him. "Are you going to tell this maiden of your dreams of your feelings for her?"

Elrond looked down in shame. "I cannot," he said, his voice full of melancholy.

"Why not, meld (dear)?" Galadriel questioned, a perplexed look crossing her lovely face.

"Because I am far too old for her. I am over three thousand years her senior. Not to mention I have been married once already, and I have three children. No one would want to marry into that."

>>>a few hours later, after the meeting, in the libraries<<<

Elrond spotted Lady (y/n) taking a thin book off of a shelf, and thought that maybe this would be a good time to talk to her about how he felt, to at least get it off his chest.

He was near the low sofas, and she was at the shelves stacked with books on the far side of the room. It would be quick and easy. But before he could bring himself to take even one step in her direction, he saw something that made his blood boil.


Usually the sight of Thranduil didn't anger Elrond, but when the King of Mirkwood approached Lady (y/n) and started to talk to her, Elrond couldn't help but feel threatened.

It didn't help that (y/n) was laughing and smiling and seeming so casual and comfortable around him.

What Elrond didn't consider was that Thranduil had also been married at one time, and also had a child. Granted, he was around 1,500 years closer to her age than Elrond was, but it wasn't that big of a difference.

Either way, Elrond could only stay frozen in place and watch in horror as he read your lips from afar, picking up in the middle of your conversation.

Thranduil-"May I ask you a question, my fairest lady?"

You-"Of course, King Thranduil!"

Thranduil-"If an elf who shall I say it..quite a bit older than you, and possibly had children, were to propose to you, would you accept?"

You-"...That..might depend upon who did the proposing, Your Highness."

Thranduil-"Well, what if I told you that the elf you fancied was the one who-"

"King Thranduil, may I speak with Lady (y/n)? Alone?" he seemed to demand, rather than ask, with a bit of venom in his voice.

Thranduil only smirked. "Of course, mellon nin. Good luck," he whispered the latter to Elrond as he passed by and brushed his shoulder with the one of the glaring Lord of Rivendell.

"What is wrong, Lord Elrond?" Lady (y/n) inquired, confused as to why the usually peaceful elf had such a bite in his words today.

Elrond turned to her with a pleasant smile on his face, as if the previous conversation with the King of Mirkwood had never happened. "Lady (y/n)...w-will you walk with me for a moment?"

She nodded. "Of course."

A few minutes later, the duo was out of the library and now wandering around one of the many gardens.

Elrond took a deep breath, readying himself for the worst possible outcome. "So, Lady (y/n)-"

"Please, call me (y/n)," the fair elleth insisted.

Elrond nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "(Y/n), I um..saw you talking with King Thranduil, and I..would like to explain what he was saying. And..possibly elaborate. You see, when he brought up the subject of marriage to an older elf, he was simply-"

"He was referring to you, wasn't he?"

Elrond froze. His breath, his pace, his heart, his mind. He could not function. He felt scared, but almost relieved.

"Wasn't he?" she pressed.

Elrond could only bring himself to nod.

"So, if he was referring to you in the prospect of marriage...?"

Elrond hesitated. "I had the desire to ask for your hand in marriage, (y/n). I was simply too much of a coward to do it."

(Y/n) just laughed and threw her arms about the elf lord's neck, pulling him into a tight hug. "You are not a coward, Elrond. And you have no idea how happy I am!"

Elrond smiled and returned the embrace. "You would say yes, then?"

"A thousand times over, my love."

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