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Airports are the worst fucking thing on this goddamn planet. Well, maybe not as bad as trump but still. They're terrible.

Even more so for someone like me. I get anxiety just walking in a crowded mall so imagine me at an airport. Not just any airport.

The Los Angeles airport. That place gives me anxiety just thinking about it. I have no idea how my girlfriend handles it.

We just got off about a ten hour flight, which we slept through mostly, but she still has the energy to meet all these crazy fangirls and fanboys.

It hasn't even been half-hour since we got off the plane and I think she's taken about a million pictures already.

But finally, the last fan leaves and we're alone again. "How the fuck do you do that?"

"Do what?" she laughs a little, running a hand through her blonde her hair and shaking it out

"Deal with crazy fans!" I exclaim and look over my shoulder where some of them are still taking pictures and all of them giggling

Sabrina shrugs her shoulders for an answer, then gestures to behind her with a sigh. "The real hard part is the paparazzi."

My eyes widen at the huge crowd of creepy white men just waiting to take picture of her. The weirdest part is that it's normal for Sabrina.

It doesn't even phase her, but me on the other hand, can already feel the anxiety just from looking at it. "Oh fuck,"

"Don't worry," she's able to calm me a little bit by wrapping her arm around my waist and keeping a protective hand on my back

I shake my head, sucking in a deep breath. "No-- no! I'm worrying!"

A soft hand meets under my chin, forcing my eyes to look down into the beautiful sea of blue in hers. "I got you, ok?"

"Don't let go of my hand, Sabrina." I look into her eyes with intensity and complete serious.

"I won't, I promise," my hand is brought up to her baby-soft, full lips for her to kiss the back of my hand, "Ready?"

"No, but fuck it," that's the attitude I have when I do anything really

And for some reason, that makes her laugh. "You said but fuck it. Like you're fucking it in the butt."

I'm not really in the mood to laugh but she's just too cute. "God, I fucking love you, girl."

At least I have a happy thought in my head as she begins to lead us into the crowd of hell. It's actually pretty scary.

There's flashes everywhere and people yelling her name, asking her questions that she chooses to ignore.

I just keep my head down. A frown of determination on my face to get through this without freaking out or something.

We're in the uber she called for us after what seemed like forever but was only really a couple minutes. Much more calm in here.

And now, we're on our way to her house. Most of the ride was me just trying to calm my heartbeat with help from her.

Really don't know how celebrity's can handle that shit.

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