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"Happy one year and one week anniversary," for the last seven days, I been hearing this and I know my girlfriend think she so damn funny.

"Oh m-my god," I'm barely awake which is why she's granted the satisfaction of making me laugh just a little, "You're a-a-annoying."

"I'm adorable, babe, come on," like basically every morning since we been together, she kisses my forehead, soft and gently.

"N-No, our d-d-dog c-cuddling with me i-is adorable," this playful smirk forms on my face as I lay on my back, looking up into her blue eyes.

Sabrina grins right back down at me, hand tucking a loose curl behind my ear while I focus my attention back on Abstract.

It bothers my girlfriend a little and that's the whole reason I'm doing it. I love messing around like this. One of the best parts of relationships.

Yet this girl knows me way too well. She knows that a simple kiss on my lips is all it takes for me to fucking melt for her and she do just that.

I've forgotten all about our dog by the time our lips slowly, and softly, disconnect from each other's. I'm all hers right now.

I been super extra in love lately. It's normal now, though, and I just love this feeling of such intense love. It that one-year kinda love.

This woman is my everything and as anxious and scared as I am, I'm proud to admit that she's my everything now. I'm glad for that.

Sabrina's baby-soft hands caress my face so gently. It's like she's touching her most prized possession. "Thinking?"

"Mmhmm," my eyes flutter close again, letting her just take in my beauty as I lay here, "Y-You m-m-ma-make me so ro-ro-romantic."

"Yeah, I have that effect on you, don't I?" Sabrina mumbles as she presses such soft and gentle kisses on my heart tattoo under my eye.

I can only lay underneath her, silent. I'm too busy smiling like a fucking idiot to say anything back to her. This is what I mean by extra in-love.

Our extremely lovey-dovey and probably super cringe-worthy morning is cut short due to a notification on her phone. Not mine, mine's always silenced.

"Oh, we go see Doctor Parker today," she tells me which gets me focused back on reality now, "You good with that, baby girl?"

I'd be fine with that, usually. I'm used to the doctor shit she does now so it doesn't phase me like it used to phase me.

However, I ain't going today. And I got so many reasons. I'm happy and in love and I don't want that to be ruined also Sabrina's busy. That's it.

It only takes her a quick second to realize that she's also busy today because this good don't even know her own damn schedule.

"Shit, I have rehearsals for the japan tour and then I'm meeting with the producer of the new show I'm working on and-- "

"So, y-y-you'll ca-cancel the a-a-app-ap-p-point-pointment?" I stutter and I'm surprised she can even decipher what I just said but not the point.

I'm not too surprised that she shakes her head but still upset, "River, you can go alone, okay? Or ask your mom to go with you. It'll be okay."

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