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"It's just really fucking weird that dogs are always naked. And they probably don't even know that they're naked, you know?"

"You're crazy, River," she laughs one of the cutest laughs she's ever done it and then proceeds to wrap her arm tighter around my waist.

"But really, just think about it. Look at Goodwin. I mean, the poor guy doesn't know he's naked and anyone could just look at him."

"No, but what if their fur is their clothes?" Sabrina makes a good and valid point there but I don't buy it.

"That doesn't work because humans grow hair. But not enough to walk around with no clothes on and say we're fully covered."

All she does is laugh. Just shaking her head with that adorable little grin on her lips like I have whenever she makes a stupid pun.

This is the equivalent of stupid puns for her; the random thoughts that run through my brain on a daily basis.

Maybe I have adhd too. Wouldn't surprise me. "Anyways, that's why dogs should have to wear clothes."

"I love you so much, baby," she stops in her tracks and thankfully, there's barely anyone else in the park this early in the morning.

And so we kiss for a little extra longer than we normally would when we're in public just because we can. We want to.

But there is one other person here. Someone who was here before and who I hate with a passion. Guess fucking who.

"Damn, that's hot." Yep. It's that Peyton guy. I swear, he's either following us or no, that's it. He's just such a creep.

"Go away, Peyton. Leave us alone." Sabrina's not even phased. Or at least, she's not letting herself seem phased at all.

Even Goodwin knows this guy is bad. Barking at him like crazy, to the point where I bend down to pet him and calm the dog.

Still listening to every word he says to my girlfriend. "So, I've been texting you and it's not going through. What's up with that?"

"Newsflash, I hate you. Don't text me. Especially pictures of your photoshopped dick that I don't want anything to do with."

I can't help but laugh at that one. The look on his stunned and embarrassed face is priceless.

And if dogs could laugh, Goodwin would probably laugh just as hard.

"Whatever. You know that when you realize you're not a fucking dyke that I'm the one you truly want."

"Ok, just go away now." I'm standing up, and getting a little protective.

"Alright, alright. I'll be expecting at least a text back, Sab." And he's finally gone after his fuckboy words have been said.

White boys are so annoying. I hate them so much. The only good thing to do with white boys is how good it feels to punch one in the face.

Done that many times. Surprised I haven't done it to this one yet. Still got some time to, though.


Our mostly peaceful walk to clear my head from the bad thoughts roaming in it due to having a nightmare ends earlier than expected.

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