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Quiet mornings filled with cuddles and gentle make outs is amazing. It's something that we all need every once in a while.

Don't get me wrong, though. I love the rough mornings where one of us (usually me) is getting dominated by the other. Those are great too.

But soft, gentle mornings like this. Even better. At least, for me and getting my mental state back to normal right now.

Sweatpants and baggy t-shirts and hoodies keep us warm all while half-underneath the covers of the bed too. And the heat from our bodies.

"I never wanna leave this bed," she grumbles and snuggles her face down in the crook of my neck and kissing me all over.

Sabrina groans deeply but I press my lips to wherever I can reach on her soft, and pale skin. Letting my hands slide lower down her back.

They end up on her thick ass, of course. I can feel the smile growing on her face against my skin too.

"You know what you can do, right from the comfort of this very bed? You can text my exes. Make them stop bothering me."

"Not gonna do that." A frown immediately forms on my face.

"What the hell?! You said you would-- "

I'm cut off by her deep sigh and then sitting up on my lower stomach, straddling me and looking down in my green eyes.

Not a huge fan of what she says. "You have to learn how to deal with conflict with other people."

"You need to stop reading those stupid mental health sites. Don't take advice from them or listen to them. They don't know."

Sabrina leans down again. Hands cupping my face. "Hey, stop this. I have no problem with them talking to you and that's that."

My frown only gets stronger. "You're supposed to be protective of me. If your ex ever texted you, I would be pissed."

"That happened. And you weren't pissed," she tells me, "You just laughed when the model I hooked up with texted me asking to go out."

"We were together for what? Two months when that happened? I couldn't be pissed at you two months in. But now, seven months in, I am."

"Girl, don't even say that. You know how hard you were to win over. Remember when I gave you that rose and you called me a bitch."

Can't do anything but laugh at that. Remembering how scared I was go get into this relationship is so funny to look back at.

Most of the time, I'm so romantic and always wanting to get with someone, never scared of romance. At all.

But her being a celebrity and all that, scared me. I was terrified of her. Little five-feet tall Sabrina.

We hooked up in the bus after the show and that was great, but my mindset was that I'd never see her again. Not the case.

I remember waking up the morning after in my bed to a text from her that read ''good morning beautiful. had a great time last night!''.

Ignored it. And her. Somehow though, she found me when she had a day off and gave me this rose.

I proceeded to drop it on the ground, step on it, and call her a bitch because I was so in denial of loving her.

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