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Showering with girls is a blessing. Getting to see the female body naked but not in an inherently sexual way. That shit is beyond great.

Sounds like one of the rants my girlfriend goes on after pretty much every time we shower together but it's true. Girls and their bodies are wow.

Wow. That's the most accurate way to describe it. Maybe another way is whoa. A breathless whoa. An awestruck whoa.

Appreciating women's bodies is so important and serious though. Especially when it's another woman doing the appreciating.

Our body is so sexualized in the media and just in the world nowadays so it's great to have a relationship where sex is important but not the constant.

"You look gorgeous when you're wet," I'm not meaning that sexually at all but it does come across pretty damn sexual

"Good thing you're always making me wet, then." Sabrina giggles while laying her head against my chest. Lips pressing kisses to my skin.

All I can do is laugh, letting my hands trail up and down her pale skin. Down to her hips then all the way back up her waist.

Touching is one of my favorite parts of a relationship. Defiantly one of the most important parts to me.

I love touching, and I love being touched. So does my girlfriend. "Your hands are so soft, you need to give me a massage one day."

"Last time I tried to give you a massage, we ended up in a full on tickle war. Running all around the house and shit."

Sabrina lifts her head, revealing a big smile on her face. "That was such a fun day."

Most times she makes the mood extra romantic, but this time. This time, it's me being the romantic. "Everyday with you is fun."

"Even when you don't feel well?" she loops her arms all up around my neck and then decides to cup my face

"Yeah," I respond, "You make even the worst days not that bad."

Sabrina fills with pride. It's easy to tell. "Really?"

"Yes," laughing a little, I give a quick kiss to her forehead while simultaneously turning off the water, "Now, let's go cuddle, ok?"

One last kiss then we both exit the shower. Drying each other up with the towels we laid out beforehand, along with our clothes.

I'm dressed and ready much sooner than she is. Considering this girl has a bunch of skincare shit she has to use.

Now that I'm dating a celebrity, I really get to see how fucked up the whole media thing this. More so for woman.

I mean, Sabrina is forced to use all this shit on her face because if it's bad publicity to be seen with a goddamn pimple. What the fuck.

"Do you even want to use all this?" I ask, standing behind her and watching as she applies some stuff to her face

"I don't really care," Sabrina shrugs, beginning to splash some water over whatever was just on her face, "I would rather not, but whatever."

"You shouldn't then. I mean, getting pimples is natural, isn't it?" I frown

"Pimples make me less attractive and therefore my sales and radio play are at risk of going down," she turns around with a sigh, "It's fucked."

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