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"Mmmmmm," that's the only way to describe the groan that leaves my mouth as my body awakens itself, "Brina,"

"Right here, baby. What's wrong?" her soft voice whispers into my hair. Arms pulling me closer to her, letting my head rest on her chest.

All I do is groan again. That's the only way to describe what and how I'm feeling right now. Alcohol is never good for me.

Don't know why I tend to get drunk so often because the next day, I'm just more depressed than I already am.

Yet last night, Sarah and I were fucking gone. So drunk. I mean, I've been more drunk but it was a lot. More than we should've.

The only sober ones in the bus was the driver, obviously, along with Austin because he doesn't drink and Sabrina.

Rest of us were on varying degrees of drunk. Sarah and I being much more drunk than anyone else, clearly.

"Hey, at least, you're a really cute drunk," Sabrina says in hopes to cheer me up, "You know, you were flirting with me all night."

"You're my girlfriend. That's acceptable, isn't it?" I chuckles and proceed to snuggle in as close as I possibly can.

"You asked if I was single and cried when I told you I'm not," we both end up laughing when she tells me that.

I don't even remember any of that. Maybe I was even a little bit more drunk than I originally thought I was. Damn.

The door to our private little room is opened and we see a monster. Wait. It's Sarah, a very hungover Sarah.

"Yikes." Is all Sabrina says when she catches a glimpse of her.

Sarah doesn't hesitate to respond with, "Fuck you."

Me, understanding exactly how she's feeling, is a little nicer. "I've seen much worse, don't worry."

Running her fingers through her messy hair, she ends up laying down right next to her sister. Snuggling in as well.

"My favorite girls," Sabrina breathes out, pressing a kiss to each of our foreheads with smiling lips, "You're both beautiful no matter what."

This girl loves love so much. It amazes me. I barely love my brothers but she would die for her sisters. Minus Shannon.

And how she genuinely loves her fans amazes me. Fans. People who she doesn't even, she can somehow have so much love for.

Just imagine the love I get. It's insane. I knew right away she's the type of girl who falls in love fast and hard. And I'm definitely right.

"So, last show in canada tonight," Sabrina talks mostly just to herself while her fingers tap a beat on my back, "Then a day off."

"Aren't you meeting up with those DJ dudes on the day off?" Sarah is pretty much a walking-talking schedule for her sister.

With Sabrina having adhd and being so distracted, she'll often forget things that thankfully her big sister will reminder her of.

It's annoying, I'm sure, but for me, it's so cute. Literally anything g my girlfriend does is so cute to me, though.

"Right," Sabrina nods, "That's only to record the vocals then leave so they can do all the DJ stuff they do."

"That the one with girl pronouns?" I question and let my lips curve into a smile that she can feel on the skin of her neck.

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