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"You stutter on every fucking sentence, River! On every word, for fucks sake, and you think that's okay?! It's not! Especially since it just randomly developed! This will help you!"

"I'm n-n-not doing sp-speech th-th-therapy!" there's nothing in the world that I hate more than fighting with Sabrina. It's the worst.

Especially when it's over shit like this. It's stupid shit, that's all it is. I mean, it's not even a big deal yet here we are, fighting and yelling over it.

My mental health and my speech and stutter is my problem. I hate when she acts like its hers. It's what I have to deal with every damn day. Not her.

And she has the audacity to fucking tell me to get help. I don't fucking think so. I'm the only one who knows when I need help and I don't need it.

"I'm so sick of this," Sabrina exclaims, running both her hands through her perfect hair that's just beautiful, "I have to go."

I watch her attempt to make a dramatic exit like she won the argument but then stop at the door. This girl just remember she can't drive.

And I can and she's dependent on me which means I win the argument this time. "Can you please drive me to the studio?"

I'm really pissed right now but somehow, I laugh. I don't really want to laugh but I can't help it. I can at least try and be petty with it.

"C-Can we stop t-talking about it?" my voice tries to sound petty but my eyes are screaming loud about how much I want a hug right now.

Sabrina doesn't say anything, just smiles. It's one of those little smiles that will make my heart melt every damn time. And just like that, it's all good. Somewhat.


I love how fast we make up after arguments. It's such a change from my previous girlfriends who wouldn't talk to me for days at a time.

By the time the ten-minute drive to the studio was up, she had her hand on my thigh and gave me the sweetest kiss goodbye. Like nothing happened.

I'm a very anxious person with all my anxiety issues and being like this with her takes so much anxiety off the table. I'm very thankful for it.

I know that I'm gonna have to talk about this eventually but I'm glad we didn't leave each other on bad terms. We're both happy right now.

Abstract is very happy, too. It's weird but I think he senses when we're fighting our something but now, he's so much happier.

That little tail wagging so fast and I swear, he's smiling. It's a cute little dog smile that is so damn adorable. I can't even explain it.

Granted, he's always like that in the car. This puppy loves car rides more than anything. Well, maybe not more than me. Or treats.

"Come h-here, Abstract," I don't even gotta have him on a leash either, "G-g-good boy, follow me."

I've either trained this dog so well or he's naturally smart. I bet it's a bit of both because I haven't really been training him.

Either way, Abstract follows me right up the stairs of my parents house and happily runs inside when I unlock the door.

"Jesus Christ," I breathe out, now understating why the door was locked, "W-W-What the fuck? Who a-are you?"

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