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"Admit it, babe," I've been hearing this a lot lately since dating a girl who thinks stupid puns are funny, "That was a good one."

"Brina, if I'm fingering you and I ask you how wet you are, I do not want to to respond that you're as wet as a river. Killed the mood."

"Well, I thought it was funny," Sabrina shrugs her shoulders and continues on with her cute laughter and giggling.

"Relax, mama," I try to keep the smile off my face as I wrap my arm around her smaller body, "It ain't that funny."

"Awwwwww, your little accent was so cute there." As always, the topics we're talking about change pretty damn quick.

We've never discussed this before. That I know of. "What accent?"

Pretty sure that I may have a bit of a hispanic or whatever kind of accent because of two reason.

One, my dads first language is that. And second, my mom has also been speaking it for most her life.

Oh, and I spent a lot of time in Mexico and wherever else my dad has family growing up. Almost every summer we'd go on a trip there.

Then, mom got pregnant with Cole and all that stopped. Little bitch ruined all the fun times. Just kidding. Kind of.

"It only comes out sometimes," Sabrina grins, "Especially when you're yelling at me or something. It's really cute."

I'm given too many kisses to count after that. All over my face and near my neck and maybe even a little lower as she rolls atop me.

And I don't object. Just lay there. Hands on her ass and a happy smile on my face from all the love she gives.

Of course, it can't last forever, though. "Ignore it."

"Shit, River, you got like a billion texts while we were fucking," she picks up my phone and sees them, "All from Carter and Waverley."

"Yeah, since you won't help me out," I know it makes her feel bad to hear me say that but it's true, "I'm ignoring them."

Sabrina only sighs from where she is sat up on my lower stomach. Not looking all too impressed with me. Whatever.

Don't gotta impress her no more. She's already my girl. Now, it's the easy part. Loving her and treating her right.

"Why is Carter acting like she knows you so well? Like she actually really does love you still? After she fucking cheated on you."

"Well, we've known each other since we were in grade school," I tell her and I can see she don't like that, "Been through so much-- "

"Yeah? Like what?" Sabrina raises an eyebrow

"Well, she always helped me with school. Since she's like a genius. And when she was homeless, she stayed with-- "

"Oh my god," the empathy builds up in her, "She was homeless?"

Girl used to sleep in the locker room at school. And steal food from the grocery stores and shit. It was bad.

And yet, look at her now. Successful. I'm proud of her.

"Yeah," I confirm, "Her parents died when she was twelve and her sister kicked her out when she came out as gay at fourteen."

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