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Being in japan been weird. I mean, everyone looks at me like I'm out of place but the same time, I'm pretty comfortable being here.

It a weird feeling honesty. I'm glad that tonight is the last show, though, then we off to london and then paris and then back home to our dog.

Sold out show tonight, too. I know the sleeping angel laying next to me in this hotel bed is so excited for that and that makes me happy.

Yet despite her excitement, she sound asleep still. I'm sure she knows she gotta get up real soon but doesn't care. I think she deserve this rest.

You don't know hard work until you see Sabrina work. This girl goes out and sings her heart out every night, giving all her energy.

I could never imagine doing that. I mean, I need to lay down for a good half-hour after just showering and yet there's people like my girl.

I've got the most respect for artists who tour now that I'm dating one. I also got a lot of respect for people who come along such as Sarah and I.

"We never really have any deep conversations, you know. Get deep with me, River. Tell me all about the pain and the struggles and-- "

"I-I-I ain't doing th-that," there's no reason for me to not other than that it's weird when you ask for it and I have no idea what to even tell her.

"Tell me how you knew you're gay." Sarah states, hoping to get some information about me that she doesn't already know.

"Uhhhhh, I-I wa-was four, I th-think. My mom t-tol-told me that I'd st-steal the ma-m-mag-magazines, hide in the c-corner and stare at the bra models. She call— called me her l-little— little lesbian."

My girlfriends sister seems amazed. Laughing and grinning almost as if she knew or would've have thought little me would be exactly that.

I smile, too. My hand tangling in my Sabrina's hair as her sleeping body instinctively pulls mine in closer. "M-My family always knew."

It's that part seems to have struck a cord with the girl in the other bed of this hotel room. "Looking back, I think I always knew about Sabrina."

A slight frown of both confusion and being intrigued forms on my face as I actually start to pay attention. "Wasn't sh-sh-she a-always open?"

"Yeah. I mean, she was never shy about being attracted to girls but she never started acting on it until just a few months before she met you."

I'm getting a little better at conversations in terms of reading the situation and I read that she's not finished with what she wants to say.

Sarah goes on to continue with, "She would say she's bisexual, right. I think I knew that she was really gay, though. I mean, bisexuality is valid-- "

I interrupt this time, though, and she's ok with it. "I-I-I f-fel-felt like I-I knew, too, but I-I didn't w-wanna say a-a-anything."

"Overall, you both are beautiful gays who love each other and love women in the gay way, not the feminist way. Well, both, but gay."

"Ex-Exactly," the smile on my face gets even bigger at the sound of that and I then allow myself to relax. Letting out a deep breath.

My green-eyes are about to flutter closed but before they can, I feel the cutie in my arms begin to wake up. "Mmmm,"

Morning groans are the cutest. Sabrina is the cutest and so imagine what it's like when the cutest person in the world makes a sound like that.

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