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The amount of kisses I've gotten since I got my special tattoo on my neck has been insane. I am truly the most loved person in the world.

And it's finally, after a good twenty-four hours, all healed up and looking good enough to take some pictures of it. Showing that shit off.

I'm so proud of this tattoo, if that makes any sense. I obviously didn't do any of the work but it's on my body and I'm proud of that.

I mean, if it was just a random ass tattoo that had no meaning then I wouldn't be proud but this is for a my girlfriend. My future wife.

It just reinforces how far I've come and how far we've come as couple together in this past (almost, in like two months) year.

"It looks so good, baby," I can't even be annoyed at her for being this excited and happy because I'm the same, "Oh my god,"

We're doing our daily routine. Waking up in our bed and cuddling and kissing and being all soft. I love that.

This time, she's being all soft about my tattoo. Tracing it with her fingers and kissing all five of the words with those baby-soft lips of hers.

"Tattoos just look so good on you," she tells me, "I mean, if I ever got a tattoo, I'd look so stupid but you look so good. In anything, really."

"Y-you ever think you'd get a tattoo e-eventually?" I ask a question that I've actually been really curious about.

"Oh yeah. I want a matching one with you, but it'll have to be in a secret place where no one else can see it. Just us."

"You make everything so romantic." I can only roll my eyes but with the most loving smile on my face.

Sabrina finds it adorable, I guess. And then my lips are given the kiss I've been waiting for. The wake up kiss where we both still a little sleepy.

Them type of kisses is my favorite kisses because it's for no other reason than love and the fact that we're waking up together. It's great.


"And some for my beautiful, stunning, amazing, incredible woman," a plate of our breakfast is placed in front of me, "Eat up."

"You're just so whipped, aren't you?" I've been getting so much love and affection and all that since this tattoo. I'm definitely very happy.

Sabrina nods her head, blushing and giggling which reminds me that I'm just as whipped by her as she is by me. "I really am."

Leaning over the island and taking my face in her hands, we kiss a quick but sweet little kiss. Us mumbling how much we love each other.

This breakfast isn't even that good. It's just like some cereal and toast and regular breakfast shit but it's amazing. Because of her.

I just feel so good. So good about everything. I don't even give a fuck that my dumb ass exes are possibly together. That's irrelevant.

This is all that matters to me. My happiness and the fact that I'm here in a house with the love of my life. In our house. That's all that matters.

"Are you excited for thanksgiving, honey?" Then when I'm reminded of that, I get a little less happy. It's ok, though.

"N-No," I shake my head and when she sits next to me, her hand instantly touches my thigh, "You know I don't like too many p-people."

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