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Been a good few days. Despite the problems I've had with sleeping and having a couple nightmares but it's ok.

After that little argument thing, none of my exes have texted me and I haven't been having too much anxiety over it.

Plus, before we had to leave LA to continue on the tour, my brother game some more weed to get through it. That's defiantly a bonus.

The best bonus is that we're already halfway through the tour. It's gone by so fast but I'm kinda ready for it to end.

As much as I love seeing Sabrina on stage, I like being in one stationary place and not having to wake up in a new state everyday.

"What're you thinking about, love bug?" her calming voice brings me out of my head only to get lost in her sea of blue eyes.

"Nothing," I shrug my shoulders, while covering our bodies with the covers to make this even more intimate.

Sabrina smiles down at me. A soft smile. Her little dimples and sparkling eyes make it the most gorgeous smile I've ever seen.

And she can tell that I'm thinking that which brings a blush to her cheeks and a giggle to her lips. And when she bites her lower lip. Damn.

My girl is gorgeous. And talented, and kind, and supportive, and everything you could ever want in a girlfriend. I'm so lucky.

"You look stunning today," I manage to say these simple words, "Well, you look stunning everyday but today. Holy shit."

"Thank you." she replies with a gentle and way too quick kiss on my lips, just as her hands tangle absentmindedly into my curls.

"You better straighten my hair the second we get home." I'm only half-joking when I tell her this.

"Oh, come on," she rolls her eyes, "You like your curls."

"It's only ok when it's up in a bun," I tell her, "Like right now, I hate it. The curls are every where, Brina."

Because of this, I'm given with a kiss to my forehead. "I'll do whatever you want, but I love your curly hair so fucking much."

A sweet and innocent smile grows on my lips, to which Sabrina playfully rolls those blue eyes at. Trying to hold back a laugh.

We're leaning in a for a kiss just when there's a quick knock on the door and in walks her sister. Laying beside us without a care in the world.

"River, we need to talk." Sarah states.

My eyes instantly widen. "Shit, what did I do?

Before whatever needs to be said to me is said, Sabrina places a kiss on my cheek and on Sarah's before saying, "I'll be in the bathroom."

It's easy to tell that Sabrina loves how close I am with Sarah. And I don't mind being close with Sarah either.

"You ever dated a bisexual girl before?" she asks and I kind of have a feeling of to where this conversation is going.

"Yeah. I mean, Sabrina is bi-- "

I'm cut off before I can finish. "Not her, because she's still figuring it all out. I mean, a bisexual girl who is confident that she's bi."

I've dated lots of different girls so I can nod at that. And Sarah's smile gets a little bigger when I nod.

"Ok, what were they like? Like me? Do you think I'm bisexual?" Sarah asks exactly what I thought she was going to ask.

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