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I've never woke up this happy in my life. I'm feeling great, and well-rested, and loved, and proud. And just so fucking happy. I love this.

Most the time, I wake up and I'm just ok. Like I can tolerate life but this time, I can not only tolerate life but I'm so happy to be living.

Everything (most things) I've gone through almost seem worth it when I wake up in this bed. No, our bed. In our house. With the love of my life.

I can't even explain it. It's a great feeling. The best feeling. I say that a whole lot but this tops them all. For real.

And you know what I'm gonna say. The vibe. Vibe of this house is exactly what I wanted and pictured in my mind. Calm. Loving. Relaxing. Perfect.

"This is our house, Princess," I didn't even realize Sabrina was awake until I hear her adorable sleepy voice, "All ours."

"I'm gonna wake up beside you in this bed everyday." I don't even know if that's meant to be a statement or a question or just a thought.

"Mmhmmm," she hums out, still waking up, "And I'm gonna hold you in my arms every day in our bed, every single morning."

All I can do is nuzzle in closer, loving the warmth that fills my body when I get as close as possible. Letting our legs tangle together.

Sabrina's hand soothingly trails up and down my back, under my shirt just because I know we both love touching each other's skin.

This is heaven. I know this is heaven, for real. Nothing beats the feeling I'm feeling right now. It's like-- no. No words can even describe it.


"This couch is ours, this table is ours, a-and them stairs are ours, the kitchen and the counters and t-that door. All ours!"

"Hell yeah," my girlfriend is just as happy as me but let's her happiness be lowkey so she can see how highkey happy I am, "Me and you."

"This is where we're gonna live every day," I'm still taking it in, as you can already tell by how I'm acting, "I'm so happy, Sabrina."

"So am I, honey." her hands slide up to cup my face, and I can't help but just dive down and hug her. We've hugged so much today.

Maybe even too much. No, no such thing. When you love someone, you came never hug them too much. Especially after a big step like this.

Like I'm living with my girlfriend. In our very own house. The next step is marriage, or maybe a tattoo for real. It's real now.

Just picture yourself as me. A girl who never thought she'd live to see anything other than a one night stand because of how hard life is.

And then bam. You meet the sweetest girl ever. And then fuck her in her tour bus after her concert. It changed my life for the better.

If I didn't meet Sabrina, I probably would've killed myself. Now, I can't even imagine not being alive. I mean, life still sucks but it's great, too.

"Just think, in maybe a years time, you'll be pregnant and we'll have a little puppy who's so excited to meet the baby."

"You're getting ahead of yourself there, Brina," I laugh against the kiss I press to her cheek, "And remember I said kids or a dog. Not both."

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