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"Hey, you're ok now," her voice is soft and her lips are even softer against my the skin of my shoulder, "I got you. I always got you."

The tears trickling down from green-eyes come to a stop. Eventually, they do. It takes a few good moments of silence first.

Arms wrap gently around my waist. Her body standing as close to mine as possible and holding me tight. "It's ok."

My eyes look up from the sink and into the mirror. Staring at her standing behind, both of us exhausted from being up this early.

Six am. Of course, I had to have a fucking nightmare at six am and wake her up with my screaming and crying. Now, we can't fall back asleep.

There's no way I could sleep after that. "I want them to stop."

Sabrina uses her strength to turn my body around. Letting me lean back against the sink as I gaze down at her concerned blue-eyes.

"Maybe it's just happening more often because it's coming up to ten years of when it happened?" I know she's trying to find an explanation to why my nightmares occur but there really isn't any. Just the fact it happened.

"There's no reason," I breathe out, "I just-- I just get scared that he'll find me again and do it-- "

"I would never let that happen. Don't even think that I wouldn't fucking murder that guy if he ever found you again, which he won't."

My barely-five-feet-tall girlfriend would murder the guy who almost killed me when I was ten. Yeah, I don't think so.

If the cops can't even find him to throw his ass in jail, I don't think she could murder him. But I love how protective she is over me.

"Sabrina, open up," a loud knock on the door makes me jump, "I heard screaming and crying. What's going on?"

Two soft hands cup my face. Caressing my skin. "It's only Sarah. Can I tell her about what's-- "

"No, not yet," no one except Sabrina knows about what happened to me when I was ten that still impacts me now. And I intend it to stay that way.

"Ok," she presses her own lips to mine, "Rinse your face with cold water. You're really hot-- well, you're always hot but-- you know."

I'm left with a small laugh filling the bathroom connected to her bedroom, watching as she leaves me alone. Going to talk to her sister.

Obeying my girlfriend, I do rinse my face to cool me off but I also listen to what they're saying just because I want to.

"Why was River crying? Is she ok?" There's concern all in Sarah's voice. I guess that's how friends are with each other. I'm not sure.

"Y-yeah, she just was laughing so hard she was crying, you know," my girlfriends a pretty good actor so that might help a little

"Bullshit," Sarah sees right through it, "What really happened?"

"She had a nightmare," I'm about to run out there and yell at her for telling her sister but then she covers it up, "We watched a scary movie."

That would've had me convinced but Sarah again sees through it. "Yeah? Ok, what movie was it? What was it about?"

This next part just is too fucking stupid. Thankfully, her sister won't get it like I do and she does. "Uhhh, it's called kidnapped. Some guy kidnaps a bunch of kids and murders all of them except for one. The usual."

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