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Today is a fucking special day. It's not only the last day of filming but it also the day an angel was born and blessed the world with her presence. It's May 11th today, my girls nineteenth birthday.

Crazy to think a year ago, we been only together for a few months and she was turning eighteen in paris with me. I feel like so much has changed since then. I feel like we grown together a lot.

We love each other even more, somehow. I don't know if more is the right word but we love each other right now. It has a whole new meaning than it did back then. I can't even explain that now.

I'm just overwhelming grateful for her and the fact she's in my life. I mean, she's my reason and I owe a lot of this happiness to her. I still did that myself but without her, I'd have no motivation.

It is her day today and I gonna make sure she feels all that love and more. I want her to have the best birthday ever, even though I won't be able to spend lot of it with her since she wraps on set.

"I think nineteen is gonna be my best year," talks like this in the shower are the start of her day and although it's way too early, I love this so much, "Maybe the year I finally make you my wife?"

"Maybe," my hands run all through her hair as I watch the water hit her and make her look like a goddess more than she always do all the time with heart-eyes and a hidden blush on my cheeks.

"Really? I would propose to you right now, if you're ready," them captivating blue eyes light up in an even brighter shade of blue and I can only giggle, "I really would, right in here, River. I would."

Anything I say back to her would tell her how much love I have for her but nothing says it louder than the kiss I place on her lips, my hands cupping her face. It's passionate and filled with love.

We end up fucking in the shower but that one kiss wasn't lustful at all. It was all love because I'm so in love. I didn't have to tell her because we both felt it in that kiss. Good start to her birthday.


Birthdays are a wild concept to me. I get being happy you was born and all that shit but throwing a big ass party for yourself and being extra as hell is crazy. I would never want anything like that.

And I think Sabrina is indifferent to both. I mean, she is so social and would love seeing all of her millions of friends for her birthday or something like that. I also know how happy she is today.

As I carry her out of our room in piggyback style, she has the biggest smile on her face. I can't see it but I definitely tell. I feel it in how this room is instantly brighter, only her smile can do all that.

"You didn't have to carry me," she whispers in my ear, kissing my neck with her smiling lips and I swear, I could just melt because of it. I love the affect she has on me, "I did kinda love it, though."

"Of course, I-I-I gotta c-car-carry you," once I put her down, I turn right back around with a happy smile on my face to match hers. I fucking love today, I love her birthday. "You the queen t-today."

"In that case, carry me everywhere, and I want a lap dance tonight," she bites down on her lower lip so seductively with her hands now down on my ass, "And maybe-- tie you up for me, yeah?"

"I-I mean, we'll s-see what happens to-tonight," I lean in for a kiss while saying that and I can feel her happiness, excitement get up another level. I know she has wanted to tie me up for a while.

I also know that I'll be unfolding one of our bandanas and keeping it by the bed for later, and will be just as excited as she is because it'll be hot. I mean, everything we do is hot but that is so hot.

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