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Birthday sex fucks me up. It was hot as fuck. Passionate as fuck. Rough as fuck. Gentle as fuck. All in one. Amazing.

Felt like heaven. There was just so much love up in this hotel room that the people in the room next to us are probably very upset.

We got a noise complaint from the front desk, too. Who really cares, though? We just a young couple having fun. Everyone can relate.

And even after we got the noise complaint, we still we're going at it. Maybe even got s little louder. Surprised they let us keep the room.

Also, I'd be surprised if anyone that's staying on this floor got any sleep last night because Sabrina and I sure didn't.

It's past noon when we wake up. Naked. Under the covers. Our legs all tangled together and exhausted from last night.

We went until, at least, three in the morning. No joke. That's what we're so fucking tired after doing all we did.

"You have fun last night, baby girl?" she questions as if she don't already know the answer to this, her body snuggling into mine.

All I can do is nod. Still taking in everything. Not even just the awesome sex we had but the gifts. The Ferrari. Fuck, that's crazy.

Yesterday in general was just crazy. Never thought I'd make it to twenty, honestly. I thought I would've died by now. And I'm glad I'm alive.

I'm alive and I'm experiencing real love. How great is that? I'd say that it's pretty fucking dope.

"Can I take a picture of you? You look so cute right now," Sabrina gushes while she reaches over me for her phone

"I'm always cute, mama," feeling confident today. Well, really, that's never been an issue with me, "Come on,"

"You have the ability to look both cute and sexy at the time," she tells me while biting down on her lower lip. God, that always gets me.

And I end up a giggling mess. Hands covering my smiling face. I'm sure it turns out to be a very aesthetically pleasing picture.

Good enough for her to send it off to snapchat with the caption, im convinced that she's the cutest person in the entire world.

"If I wasn't black, you'd see how hard I'm blushing right now." My voice is all scratchy from all the screaming last night.

Sabrina only laughs some more, dropping her how somewhere in the bed while she lays atop of me. Bare skin to bare skin.

I'm given too many kisses to count after that. Quick little peck repeatedly all over every part of my face. "You're beautiful, lovebug."

"Kissy," I make my kiss face lips for her and this girl just sticks out her tongue and licks them, "You're fucking weird."

Sabrina laughs even harder and if you've ever heard that laugh, it's the most contagious thing ever. It's that adorable.

We both end up laughing as she takes my face in my hands and finally, finally, presses her baby-soft lips onto mine. "I love you, weirdo."

"Hey, you're the weird one," I pull back and make sure that she knows this while looking up into the sea of her blue eyes.

"We're both weird," Sabrina settles for that and I guess I can too. Sealing the deal with another sweet, cute kiss.

Her lips aren't on mine for too long, though. They slowly end up making their way down my jawline and into my neck.

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