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It was a few days ago when my girl said that we're starting a new chapter together and at the time, I thought she was just being cheesy and cute.

I be feeling it now, though. In how comfortable it is for me to wake up next to her in our bed with our dog sleeping at the foot of our bed.

I've come to expect that every morning. It's really just all hitting me like a truck that I'm where I am. I hate that I say this all the time but damn.

If I were to imagine this, it be unrealistic to me a year-and-a-bit ago but I'm really here and loving an incredible woman who loves me. It's insane.

And I wasn't really comfortable with how surreal this all is until this very morning when I wake up, it all hits me. The whole new chapter thing.

Sounds so annoyingly cliche and like something I've thought about a million times before already but I promise, this time, it's different. Real-er.

"I-I love you," my lips press against the soft skin of her cheek and she just breathes out the cutest little sleepy groan at the contact, "So much."

Just waking up, laying next to her and listening to her breathing is what's getting me in my feelings right now. Like this girl mine forever. I know that.

I'm just about to get up to do my hair and actually take care of myself like I learning to do better now but I'm pulled back down into bed.

Sabrina's arms wrap all around my waist as she holds me close to her like a teddy bear that she cuddles with. I didn't even know she was awake.

Kinda glad she is, though, I need some cuddles right now and some time to rant about how crazy life is for me now. "I-I like our new ch-chapter."

"It too early for the deep stuff, babe," she nuzzles in the crook of my neck and I take time to smile at how cute, fingers playing with her dark hair.

"Tienes mi corazón," I know she can't understand even the most basic spanish without using google translate or something and that's why I say it.

"I need to know what that means now," that's why I say that just so she looks up at me with her tired but still so captivating blue eyes.

I've got her awake now and that's all I wanted. I just wanted to be able to kiss her so soft lips good morning and tell her, "You h-have m-m-my heart."

Although she ain't wanna be awake yet, I can tell by her adorable smile that she don't mind being awake right now. Neither do I. Abstract might.


I woke up this morning feeling great. It ain't no exaggeration, either. I felt so damn good and still do. Imagine if every day was like this.

I'm sure everyday is like this for some people but for people who be dealing with some the same shit I do, it's not like that. I appreciate it so much.

If you wake up and feel like shit ninety-percent of the time, those few days you don't be a goddamn blessing. I'm glad today is a day like that.

"Look at you go, I'm so fucking proud of you, baby girl," it's that support I got around me that really is why I able to have days like these when I do.

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