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No nightmare last night even though I only slept for one full hour out of the whole night probably but I'm happy. Happier than yesterday.

I don't feel like crying into my girlfriend this morning. I'm just awake and probably gonna be really cranky so that's fine.

Anything is better than having a nightmare. And when I do have one, it makes everything else seem better if that makes any sense.

The point is I'm happy today. The house we saw yesterday was really, really good and we both loved it plus we wake up in each other's arms.

That's the best part. I seriously can't wait until we'll be laying in bed at our very own house. Just us two.

"Oh shit, did you know today's halloween?" didn't even notice that my eyes were closed until open them after hearing her voice.

Instead of talking, I shake my head against her chest. Don't think I'll be having enough energy to talk much today.

Can hardly even keep my eyes open right now but I can always listen to Sabrina's voice, just talking to me. "We don't even have a couples costume."

The slight thought of that makes me laugh and somehow gives me enough energy to lift my head, look down at her, and respond.

"You go as Sabrina Carpenter," I tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear and giggle a little, "I'll go as River Gomez."

"Why don't you go as River Carpenter," she winks at me like she just said one of the best pick up lines when really, it's dumb as fuck.

That's why I love her, though. I mean, them stupid ass jokes and how she always says the cheesiest things. That's so cute.

Ain't never gonna tell her that, though. No way. That'll just fuel to them crazy puns and the world can't handle as many as she can.

I just kiss her baby-soft lips instead. And then proceed to snuggle back down into the crook of her neck.

Not even sure what time it is and what time halloween officially starts but I never wanna leave this bed. And I'm not gonna, at this rate.


I did leave the bed, unfortunately. Wish I didn't. I'm downstairs now and eating pumpkin and ghost shaped pancakes.

White families go all out on halloween. I've never eaten pumpkin shaped pancakes before and apparently they baking pumpkin seeds.

I've never tried any of that shit and I'm a little bit happy. Well, I've been pretty happy since I woke up but I'm less cranky now.

Little more ok with the fact that I'm not in bed. Don't get me wrong, I'd much rather be in bed but it's ok that I'm not.

Damn, my moods can change really fast sometimes. Just noticed. I don't know if that's a good thing or bad thing. Both, I guess, but whatever.

"Don't you get worried that the kids who trick or treat here will be fans of yours and stalk you forever since they know your house?"

"That's why I'm not allowed to hand out candy, and also I keep too much for myself and don't give enough to the kids."

"One year, she opened up a bag of doritos and handed this little kid one single chip from the bag." yeah, that sounds like my girl.

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