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Life likes to fuck with me, it really does. I mean, there's always something that just has to make me so anxious that I can't even relax.

It's airports this time. Everyone know just how anxious airports make me and because of that, my girlfriend booked a very early morning flight.

A flight that will make the airport less crazy because no paparazzi and probably no screaming fans. I'm still up so early.

It sucks that having to wake up at three-am, which is just when I usually fall asleep, is the only way that I'll survive the fucking airport.

Sleeping on planes has never been too much of an issues. I mean, yeah, I get scared that the plane will crash but I'd rather be sleeping during than awake and panicking. But the potential of nightmares is fucking scary.

"I know, baby girl, I know," I'm so lucky that I have the best girlfriend ever who helps me through everything, "Let's get you dressed, love."

Sabrina is somehow able to get an extremely comfortable Abstract to let me go into her arms. That's another reason I'm anxious, too.

I don't wanna leave Abstract. I love that dog. And he's getting bigger every day and I don't wanna miss that. Like a fucking child.

Or what if Sabrina's parents lose him? I'd kill everyone I know and then myself. That's how much I love this stupid animal. I hate it.

"You're so tall, oh my god," my body goes limp against hers, flopping down so she's holding my weight, "I think you're getting taller, babe."

"I-I-I don't wanna l-leave Ab-Ab-Abstract," a low groan-moan sound leaves my lips as Sabrina pats my booty just because she can.

"Oh, that's it now? River, baby, he'll be fine. I promise. And think of how excited he'll be when we come back in two weeks,"

That same noise leaves my lips but this time, she don't respond my slapping my ass and instead, actually starting to get me dressed.

In my favorite long-sleeve shirt and joggers. Oh, and my gucci slides that she does the honor of putting on my feet for me.

And my wild curls remain untamed, how I've grown to like it. "I promise that you have nothing to worry about, my princess. I promise."

I obviously know she's right and I believe that even more when she says it, staring directly into my green eyes then kissing my lips softly.


One thing that I love about this time is that the roads aren't busy at all and it makes driving fun. I'm only driving like five minutes away, though.

I take the long way to ensure multiple things. It's that I have more time on the road and more time with my precious dog before I leave him.

Imagine not being able to see your dog for two full weeks. I can't believe that's how I'm gonna be living. It's gonna be hell.

Toyko, London, and Paris will be absolute hell without Abstract. I need that dog and I don't wanna leave him. He'll be so scared, I bet.

The worst part is he has no idea. Abstract just thinks we're going on a fun, early-morning trip to Sabrina's parents house. That's not the case.

"I r-re-really don't wanna l-leave h-him, babe," my car comes to a stop, now that I've got it parked in the garage where it will stay.

"It'll be okay, don't worry," it don't seem right to leave him out like this, it really don't and what if he die while I not here? I'll feel like shit.

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