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You'll rarely ever hear me say that I had a heavenly nights sleep. And when I do say that, you know it's far from an exaggeration.

If I wake up with a genuine smile on my face, I had a great night. A night like the night I had last night with Sabrina.

A passionate and romantic night. Full of love and desire. It was incredible, and as good as the sex was, cuddling after was my favorite part.

Then falling asleep in her loving arms without worrying about any possible nightmares was another one of my favorites parts too.

But honestly, I loved every minute of last night. From the second I walked into the door of the house to where we are now.

"You're so soft," her voice mumbles against my chest, "And warm. And I love the way my body just fits so perfectly into yours."

"We're literally made for each other." I respond with a cheesy grin on my face while my hand tangles into her beautiful hair

Sabrina giggles one of her adorable giggles and then nuzzles her head even closer into my chest, arms tightening around my waist.

It's a great feeling. Honestly, it is. Being hugged so tight and cuddled so much is one of the best feelings I've ever felt.

Not to mention, all done under the covers which makes it feel even more intimate than it really is. "I love you, River."

"And I love you, cariño." My lips meet the top of her head now.

Then she's looking up at me, eyes growing curious. "Oh, remember on FaceTime yesterday? You wanted to talk? What's up?"

The thought of what I was so worried about has completely slipped my mind since my mom told me the truth. Hasn't bothered me at all.

"Cole was just being a bitch and told me that you asked my mom for permission to propose to me. And that you already got the ring and shit."

"Is that something you want?" Sabrina's already bright eyes get even brighter as she gets even happier, "I'll gladly-- "

"What if I wanna be the one to propose?" I tease her and proceed to pull her smaller body atop mine. Her laying between my legs.

"Not gonna happen, Princess." she's playful, but serious. I know for whatever reason she really wants to be the one to propose.

And I think that's better for me too. More natural, instead of me trying to ever do that and probably failing miserably.

Just not yet. Not anytime soon. "I enjoy being your girlfriend. Right now. I mean, I wanna be your wife too but not yet. I like us now."

"I like us now too, baby," our lips meet for a quick second, "And as much as I wanna be your wife, I can wait. Don't worry."


Morning ended up being pretty much the same as last night. Just forging ourselves to be extra quiet since her family is awake now.

Oh, and another difference is that I'm actually allowed to wear the strap-on. I know, I can't believe it either.

Don't think that'll be happening again anytime soon so I'm definitely trying to make it last while I can. "Up and down, just like that, baby."

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