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I've been talking shit about christmas recently but I'm waking up on christmas morning now and I kinda get it. I get the excitement.

And I feel like this happens every year. I say all this bad shit about the holiday and then love it when it's actually here. Pretty spot on.

I'm even excited to give Sabrina my gift. It's hardly even a gift. It's literally a kindergarten art project because it looks so bad.

Still excited, though. Most importantly, I'm excited to what's so abstract about this one gift in particular. I'm still so confused, though.

"Just t-tell me," there's a toothbrush in my mouth that makes my words barley understandable, "I-It's the morning now!"

"You'll have to wait, gorgeous," Sabrina wraps her arms all around my waist from behind, on her tippy toes to kiss my shoulder, "Soon."

Waiting makes me hate christmas again. I can't wait. It's impossible for me to wait when I have no idea of what I'm waiting for.

You know the feeling. It's the hardest feeling in the world. Waiting for something that you don't even know. It's so hard.

I'm glad whatever it is is already waiting downstairs for me. I don't even know what to expect but I'm definitely opening that present first.

Gonna fucking dive for that bitch. Fuck, but what if she doesn't tell me which one is the abstract one? I hate christmas.

"If it's a-a-a stupid pun, I'm g-gonna be p-pissed," once I'm finished brushing my teeth and all that, I turn around to her, "Bu-but I-I love you."

"Don't worry," she loops her arms up around my neck just as I lean back against the sink, "It isn't a pun, it's adorable. He's adorable."

"He? Nah, what? I-I don't l-like he's, you sh-should know that!" I exclaim which brings out that adorable little giggle of hers, "You have t-to—to tell me now, girl!"

Nothing else is said to me, just my hand is taken in hers. I know it's gonna be good all because of the smile on my girlfriends face.

It's gonna be the best gift ever. I know that. I can feel it. It's like my heart is getting all excited because of this thing. This him.

And by the time, I'm downstairs, it looks normal. There's all the presents under the tree for us that we put out and normal. I'm confused.

"W-Wha-- " I stutter out before it. I hear the noise a little fucking puppy makes as he tries to bark. Stop. Holy shit. Holy shit.

Sabrina kisses my cheek before making her way over to a box thing with a blanket over it. And pulls it off. And holy fuck. It's a real ass dog.

A fucking little ass puppy. Tiny motherfucker. I'm gonna cry. It's that cute. I don't normally even like animals but this guy is so cute.

"Come here, Abstract," and that. That's the fucking dogs name. Abstract. I can't lie and say that's not oddly adorable. "Who's that? Is that mommy?"

My hands cover my face, and I start laughing. It's just to show how fucking happy I am right now. "Oh my god,"

I take in a deep breath just to actually take this in now and then suddenly, I feel a tongue lick my hands. Sabrina's next to me, holding this Abstract dog.

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