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"You can't just go around telling people I have autism when you don't really even know for sure, Sabrina. That's why I'm upset."

"River, stop. Why does it matter so much? I'm almost a hundred-percent sure you have it and I still love you the same. Don't be upset."

"You're not a fucking doctor-- and no. No, I will not see a doctor just because I said that. Ok. Just stop. I'm done."

"Oh my god," she follows me out of the small bathroom and into our small but cozy and private room, "You're being dramatic."

"I'm not being dramatic! You're the one who's telling people that I have autism when that shit has yet to be confirmed!"

All she does is sigh. Closing her eyes and exhaling a deep breath while threading her fingers through her hair.

Doesn't look like she wants to put up with this shit. "Whatever. Just get ready, we're gonna be late."

"No." I take a seat on the edge of the bed. Arms crossed over my chest with a frown on my face.

Sabrina just looks even more pissed. "Well, I have to go so if you don't wanna come with me then I don't care, River."

Frown turns involuntarily turns into a pouty face. Makes me a little sad to hear her say that even though I know it's just heat of the moment.

"Listen," my hands are taken into hers, "River, I love you. With or without autism so why does it matter? We don't need to have this fight."

Guess she's got a point. I mean, there's no doubt in my mind that she would love me any less if I really do have autism spectrum disorder.

In fact, she'd be extra supportive. For sure. Sabrina would do anything for anyone she loves, no matter what. What admire most.

And so, I give up this arguement, wrapping my arms all around her small waist and then nuzzling my head in her chest. It's a cute moment.

Most of the moments we have together are cute, anyways.


I've never been inside a radio station before. Didn't even think the existed, if I'm being completely honest.

Thought radio was just robots or some shit. But nope. There's actual people who run it and it's really cool. They're pretty talented.

Doesn't take away how boring it is to be here, though. Only got a little bit longer to go, though. The acoustics set is done and now, the interview.

Pretty boring interview. You know it's gonna be trash interview when they ask the question Sabrina gets all the time. Acting or singing?

God, she hates that question. But she can somehow be polite and answer nicely unlike how I would've acted if I was her.

Anyways, they're talking to her about the song, Why. And it's sweet to hear what she's saying about it while knowing it's about us.

Suddenly, my phone gets a notification and thank god, it's just my mom. I'm not in the mood to talk to anyone else.

Hi River! We miss you very much, sweetheart. How's the tour going? A smile is brought to my face from what my mom said.

Such a mom thing to say. It's nice. good. i got drunk the first night and im still recovering from that.

Being honest with your parents essential. Learned that they don't care what you do as long as you're honest and safe. To an extent.

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