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Today is about to be a fucking long ass day that will probably seem to drag on forever. Got way too many things to do today that I too tired for.

Gotta wake up at six in the morning which only adds up to getting three hours of sleep which is not bad but could be better. Could be lot better.

Everything is fine. Everything is so okay when I have a girlfriend like her who sets an alarm for fifteen minutes earlier just to cuddle with me.

Make sure that my depressed self can even out bed today without feeling like shit which seems possible actually. I do think I can do that now.

Already means today has won because most of the days that are filled with press events for her are so hard for me but today will be a good day.

"We should shower, queen." she pats my booty with an effort to stand up but my arms stay all wrapped around her waist to keep in the bed.

"Five more minutes." my words is mumbled by my face being buried in her chest and me being so fucking comfortable right now in her arms.

"Only because you are doing so well with your speech and didn't stutter." that makes me roll my eyes at the same time as smile with pride.

Got me extra cuddles either way. Extra cuddles that were so needed right now because this is it for me. This just helps me live my life so much.

Sometimes cuddling is what you live for and it feels fucking incredible. Sometimes you live for something bigger which is great. I do both that.

Cuddling is it today. Today be a cuddles day for me but I take them days over the days where it was nothing. It feels better than wanting to die.

My head on her chest and arm wrapped around her waist feels so good. I would still be sleeping and not wanting to wake up if it not for all this.

Sabrina knows that which is why she gives me the extra attention she knows I need today and just fucking loves me. I need her love so much.

"Marry me, okay?" she whispers softly into my hair that is so wild and desperately needs to be put in braids or something. I am barely phased.

"Okay." so easy for me to say that. It scares me how easy it felt for me to respond with that but so exciting at the same time. I love this woman.

"This was not my proposal but so good to know that you would say yes anyways." my heart may be exploding in my chest right now but I calm.

"N-Not yet, though. You g-gotta be twenty a-at the very least be-before— before that." that got her rolling her eyes for sure but she still gets it.

"Too fucking long, wifey." she groans then rolls us over so she can hovering over top of me with lotta power in her blue eyes, "Marry me now."

My hand find her hips to pull her down against me then kiss her with so much passion that she becomes a little taken back. I got some power.

Enough to make her blush after that quick kiss finally ends and leaving her breathlessly and as vulnerable as me. "You are definitely my wife."

We end up laughing when she bite down on her lower lip and gives me that look. That look that tell me I won that round and about damn time.

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