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"Why are we the ones who have to carry all her shit? This is un-fucking-fair and I'm dying here," a slightly dramatic sentence is said by Sarah.

Shocker. Note the sarcasm there. Sarah has two personalities. Either super extra or super lowkey. Both of them are cool.

But personally, I like the lowkey Sarah better so I don't have to hear her bitch about whatever's bothering her.

This time, bothering her is the fact that Sabrina very humbly asked if we could carry her bags onto the bus. And we agreeded.

Well, I agreed for the both of us. Because I'm whipped and would honestly light myself on fire for that girl.

"You're acting like she's some sort of diva." I roll my eyes once I finally get the two suitcases in the door of the bus.

"I know she's not," Sarah starts and continues, "But I mean, I don't wanna carry all this shit. Can't she do it herself? Fuck,"

I'm not entirely surprised when Sabrina's voice yells out to us upon hearing what we're saying. "River, she's on her period. Just ignore her."

Being with a lot of girls, and also being one myself, has got me extra knowledgeable on how girls act on their periods.

Not the moodiness because not all girls are moody. But just the way they move and look more tired than usual. Shit like that.

"Announce it to the world, Brina. Post about it for all your millions of followers to see!" I can't help but laugh at Sarah's exclamation.

We're then left with the sound of Sabrina's laugh along with the laughs of the guys in the band. Caleb, Tobias, David and Austin.

Dragging the suitcases and bags in our hands, we finally make it to the one big bedroom this bus has.

Yep, you heard that right. This bus has a full bedroom. And it's all for me and Sabrina to enjoy while the others sleep in bunks.

"The three of us will be sharing this bed," Sarah states, dropping all the bags that either belong to me or Sabrina, "I'm gonna go get my stuff."

"Hey, this is for River and I only," I didn't even know Sabrina had come on the bus and now she's wrapping her arms around me.

Sarah groans with a roll of her eyes. "Worth a shot."

I'm left all alone with my beautiful girlfriend now. Me sitting on the edge of the bed with her beginning to straddle my lap.

"This is really good so if you have a nightmare then it'll just be like we're at home and you'll feel better."

Wish it was as simple as that. It's barely even close to that but I'm not gonna tell her that to ruin her happiness right now.

Instead, I kiss her. Gently and full of love while still making it a quick kiss so it doesn't get too hot. "Excited for the show tonight?"

Sabrina's quick to nod her head. "So excited, and meet and greet is only a few hours away. I can't wait."

"I'm so proud of you," I grin, "You deserve the world."

"You deserve the world and more for being the best and most supportive girlfriend I could ever ask for, love bug."

How could you not just pepper her cute, makeup-free and freckled face with kisses after hearing that? You can't.

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