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"Dude, if you're bi, I don't give fuck. And if you're not bi, I give even less of a fuck. And I don't think it matters to anyone in your family."

"But I give a fuck, and I'm sure Peyton gives a fuck." she has a pretty good point there. Makes sense.

Still, though, she don't need to be stressing about it every fucking second. I mean, she's happy with her boyfriend so that's what she focus on.

Like her little sister. Sabrina doesn't know if she's 100% gay yet but she doesn't care as much because she's happy with me, you know.

I guess, I can't really judge people like this. I know it must be hard to not know what your sexuality is.

It's not something I ever struggled with, though. I knew I was gay from when I was four and would stare at the bra models for way too long.

Other people, however, don't realize they're gay until they've been married to a different gender for so long. That's crazy.

Doesn't mean I don't get it, though. It might be hard for me to understand what they're going through but I get it. Somewhat.

"My dad thought he was bisexual. Then, he fucked my moms brother and realized he was gay. My mom fucked my dads sister too. Now, she's gay. My dad and my uncle are my dads and my mom and my aunt are my moms."

"White people are fucking crazy," I respond to David with a shake of my head at what I just heard, "You dating your cousin, too?"

"No. I'm married. And she's my third cousin," he laughs like that shits even funny but it really isn't, "It's a joke. You're supposed to laugh."

I'm about to say something but Tobias cuts me off. "Man, it isn't funny when they're actually people who do that shit. It's gross."

Poor David just nods his head with shame. Looking down at the bowl of cereal on the table of the in-bus little booth thing.

My attention is taken away from this crazy shit when the door to the bus opens and I can finally see my beautiful girlfriend.

It's only been three hours, at the very most, but that's too long. I really did miss having her in my arms, kissing me.

Seems like she did, too. "River, come here, cutie!"

We're wrapped up in each other's arms like it's been months. Years. Fucking centuries, even. I don't even mind.

Kind of makes me a hypocrite. This is one of my biggest pet-peeves when best friends (such as Rowan and Sabrina) do this.

It's cute when we do it, though. Like many things are.

"I'm still so proud of you," she whispers only loud enough for me to hear as she leans into a quick but passionate kiss.

Obviously, I know exactly what she's proud of. Me agreeing to see that stupid doctor bitch after tour.

It was the reason she fucked me so good last night. And I mean more-than-five-orgasms good.

"You're all she talked about. The hosts were so annoyed," Caleb laughs and sets down the little case thing for his guitar.

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