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I'm very picky about certain shit and I can admit that. I have to really feel comfortable somewhere or else I'll be having nightmares and being anxious.

This hotel, though, is so cool. I love the vibe and I could really get used to those heated toilet seats they got here in japan.

And the people seem nice. It's not as nice as canada people and they don't seem as rude as american's but that's not much of an accomplishment.

Only bad thing is how crowded the streets are, how crowded and crazed-fan-filled the airport was. I can't believe how popular my girl is here.

I'm glad I was still half-asleep getting off the plane or I would've been so fucking anxious that I couldn't even function.

And now, it's the next day and I'm waking up in the comfiest hotel bed that I've ever slept in. I ain't even kidding. This shit is so comfy.

If only Sarah wasn't in the other bed in the same room then I'd probably be having some of the best sex of my life right now.

Instead, Sabrina and I are whispering softly to each other. Our faces barely centimeters apart and our bodies hidden under the covers.

It's so relaxing and almost feels like we're in the only ones in the whole crowded japan country. Allows my mind to only think of her and her only.

"What if I get booed off stage? Oh shit-- is it cultural appropriation? I can't do that but I don't even know. River, you have cultural. Is it?"

"I-I d-don't have j-ja-japanese cul-culture," I laugh her flustered state, "You're ju-jus-just singing a song in th-their la-language. It's fine, I'm sure."

Sabrina breathes out a sigh of relief. "It took me three months to learn how to sing the words correctly for them. I'm so nervous."

Instead of saying it, I tell her she'll do great with a kiss to her baby-soft, full lips that were just waiting for mine.

We disconnect our lips, both smiling too much. It makes her giggle and that adorable giggle of hers makes me do the same.

As the laughter dies down, Sabrina brings a hand up to caress my face and move my curls out the way of my eyes. "You are so gorgeous."

"I-I really a-a-am," my face squishes up all cutely when Sabrina leans forward to give another kiss, "You e-e-ev-even more gorgeous."

I then have no choice to accept the face that I'm gonna be covered in her kisses and I can't complain. I'm giggling and squirming around under her.

Only thing I can think of is how much I love this woman and how much she loves me and how much she makes it known now.

Just today, I woke up to her posting yet another picture of me, which I don't even remember, being taken ever with the sweetest caption.

Just today, I woke up to her posting yet another picture of me, which I don't even remember, being taken ever with the sweetest caption

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