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Sex is the best temporary solution for anything really and people should appreciate sex for that instead making it seem like having sex so bad.

Having lots of sex is great for your mind and it also is really great for your body. We have been doing research on that and it is actually so true.

Makes us not feel weird about having sex close to every fucking day. It feel good and we gonna  do what feel the best for our minds and bodies.

Nothing helps my mind like sex does including smoking and that helps a lot. Makes having sex while high feel absolutely great but it all great.

Being able to just not think for however long it lasts that specific time and then cuddle like we do after sex should be form of fucking therapy.

"You better get them a-a-acrylics off," make me not feel bad for being sassy as fuck and not the overthinking everything shit. I feel hella calm.

"They make my hands look good," she show me just how good her hands look but it nothing to how it feels inside me, "Less like baby hands."

"But they h-hurt." my head nuzzles in the crook of her neck for extra comfort that she gives me when her nails trailing up and down my back.

"They hurt right now?" already knows that this feels so good and makes me smile, "Gonna feel even better when I take your braids out, babe."

"Mmhmm," nearly falling asleep from just how relaxing the feeling of her nails against my skin feel and she knows. I could get used to all this.

Lesbians should never have them long ass nails but this is really fucking calming. They terrible during sex but feels so good against your skin.

They have me as relaxed as can be which is real good considering the shit I gotta be thinking all about for today. Medication shit and all of that.

Appointment be in less than twenty-fours now yet this is relaxing me. I can actually breathe in without feeling like an anxiety attack is coming.

Nothing is better than that feeling. Allow me to wrap my arms around her waist tighter and get real snuggled into her chest, hearing her heart.

Sabrina simply on her phone and doing she be doing on there. Probably talking to the stans on twitter or teasing new music that they all want.

"They always ask me who inspired singular the most as if they don't already know you." she is laughing at them and definitely making blush.

My arms bring her in even closer and my lips is kissing her neck softly. In such a way that it tell her to put her phone down and love me more.

Sabrina picks up on that immediately and then acts on it. I get all her attention as soon as that tweet is sent out and that make me feel special.

Got me laying directly on top of her now and it something that she loves despite me being a lot taller and bigger than she is. "My queen okay?"

"Yeah," our lips connect but only for one sweet little kiss then we pull away and lock eyes with each other and just breathe, "I-I— I need this."

"Need this? I need this too." she somehow able to get her hands down on my ass and bring me up enough for my chest to be right in her face.

"You r-real-really— really get me." kissing my chest all on with her nails trailing up and down my back feels crazy. It feels so relaxing. Damn.

Relaxing and sexy. The best combination of all is exactly how she makes me feel right now and she already got me feeling so good about today.

Today was supposed to be a hard day until we woke up and got in the shower together before somehow making back to bed. That changed it.

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