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There's a massive tub in the master bathroom, by the way. And today is our very last day here yet our first time in the tub.

We're having a bubble bath. It's an easy way to get me to clean myself and take care of my body so it's beneficial and fun to do.

Feels even better relaxing in a warm bubble bath after having sex all night and then even more morning sex when we woke up.

Sitting across from my beautiful girlfriend, we barely even have to talk for us to be connecting on such a deep level and I love that.

The atmosphere is just so relaxed right now. It's been like that this whole week and I really needed it. I'm so happy right now.

"Can we stay here for a few more days?" I know it's not possible with her upcoming events and busy schedule but I still ask.

Maybe there could be some hope. Unfortunately, there's not. And I completely get it but it still sucks. "I wish, but I gotta be on set tomorrow."

We leave tonight, by the way. We'll probably leave at the latest possible. I'm not sure what time that is exactly but I just wanna stay.

It's not even so much the house that I like. It's just being with Sabrina and only Sabrina, you know.

I feel safe and protected and loved and relaxed. Less anxious, even. I mean, I had a bad nightmare, problems with my ex again, and more shit happen while we were here but I still love being here. With her.

There's no way to explain it other than I just feel like (almost) nothing could make me feel upset or depressed while I'm here.

When I'm alone with Sabrina, I guess is a better way to say it. I discovered that I maybe do want to take that next step and move in with her.

Guess that's the cliché lesbian thing. Moving in after not even being together for a full year yet.

"What are you thinking about?" Sabrina snaps me out of it and moves her body in closer to mine.

"How much I love being here with you," I lean my back against the backrest and bring her body into my arms, "Thank you for taking me."

"Of course, Princess." her legs wrap around my waist under the water and her arms loop around my neck. And I'm given a quick kiss.

That quick kiss turns into multiple quick kisses. All over my face, instead of just in my lips. Extra on my heart tattoo, too.

And even more on my neck and jawline.

"I'm gonna talk to my parents about moving out and see what they think, and we can talk to yours, too. Think you'd like that?"

I nod my head quickly but shyly. "Yes."

Sabrina grins at that, and caresses my face with her hands. Playing with my baby hairs that didn't make it up in my very messy bun.

Our eyes lock and she goes on to say, "I don't have to be on set too much over the next few months. I think it's four days a week, I have to be there. So, we're still gonna have lots of time together."

"Thank you for making time for me. I-I know-- I know that you-- you're really busy so I appreciate that you're not-- you know, a bitch."

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