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A low groan from deep in my throat leaves my lips. No, not for any sexual reasons just because it's one of those groaning days. You get it.

Sure, I had a pretty decent sleep. And by decent, I mean no nightmares. I still only slept about three hours, though. Insomnia sucks, man.

But thoughts of last night are still wondering in my mind. Thoughts of worrying about what my parents are thinking.

It's mentally, and physically, exhausting to have anxiety. It's even worse when you add on my insomnia and nightmares.

I've learned to manage it, though. Or at least, I try to manage it. Usually, I fail and end up like right now.

Luckily, I've got one of the most caring girls ever. "What's wrong, love?"

"Everything sucks," it takes much more energy than it should for me to just lift my head and turn around to face her, "Except you,"

"I like it better when you're my happy baby," she threads a hand through my hair then sighs, "Smile for me."

Instead of obeying her, I do the exact opposite. Making my full lips even more pouty than they already are. "No."

Sabrina allows a soft giggle to leave her lips as she lays down even closer to me, nose to nose. "You're the most beautiful woman in the world."

It's getting harder not to smile now. But I can resist. After all, I haven't smiled very much since I was ten so my body is used to it.

"And as fucking hot as your body is," her soft hand slides lower down my waist to feel my ass, "I love your mind. I love you."

Fuck. I lost. It's over, it's done. A smile somehow has crept it's way onto my face and though, she can't tell, so has a blush.

Sabrina's light-blue eyes light up even more. "There's my girl,"

"My body isn't even that hot," being who I am, I'm not all that good at receiving compliments, "Stop."

"Girl, you're so damn hot! And thick, and sexy, and curvy and just wow," she actually goes breathless for a minute, "You stop."

The smile already on my lips threatens to grow even more. And I don't want to let her see that so I turn around. Back facing her.

"I love you, Princess," a kiss is given to my cheek before she focuses back on whatever she's doing on her phone

Hand stays right on my ass though. She's picked up some of my mannerism, I see. And I love it.

I always touch her ass. At anytime. I mean, always gotta have a hand on what's yours, right? Now, she's starting to do the same and it's great.

"My stans on Twitter think you're gorgeous, by the way," she says that just a few seconds after my phone gets a notification

A notification that she tweeted something. A picture. Of fucking me. For all her little stans and fangirls to freak out over.

I'm quick to grab her phone out of her hand and go through all the replies. I don't see one bad one yet.

No, I don't care if they call me ugly or some shit. I care if they anything that might hurt my girls feelings. Homophobic shit.

Looks good so far but I'm sure something will come up. Especially with a gay ass caption like the one she used.

my pretty princess. How much gayer can you get? Not much. "That's gay."

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