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Today is the day. Fuck. It's today. Holy fuck. I'm waking up today and one year ago, it was the day I became Sabrina's girlfriend officially.

It's crazy. It's the definition of fucking crazy, I'm serious. I couldn't sleep at all last night, which isn't unusual, but it was because I'm too happy.

That last part is very odd. If I can't sleep it's usually because of a nightmare or along those lines, not because I'm happy. I liked it.

I eventually did fall asleep, though. In the arms of my girlfriend for a full year now. It's never gonna sink in that we're a year into this.

I'm barely even anxious anymore. I'm just so excitable and happy. It's a happy day and it shouldn't make me anxious and I'm not. For now.

Tonight will be so much fun, too. I'm so excited for my girlfriend to see me in a (somewhat) fancy outfit and have a romantic dinner with me.

Slightly anxious about that but you know what? Fuck anxiety. I'm trying my best to ignore it and tell myself it's ok and it's working a little bit.

"A year ago, today, at this very time, I was so nervous that you'd turn me down and not be my girl. I didn't know you'd be my future wife."

"I-I-I hear you s-saying th-that a-a lot," my lips are curved into a smile but I, of course, try to hide it, "I s-swear, if y-you p-pr-pr-proposing,"

"Don't worry, love," Sabrina giggles, both her baby-soft hands cupping my face and caressing my skin. It's the most relaxing thing ever.

I could just lay here. I'm under the covers with my beautiful girlfriend atop me, fingers trailing all over my smooth skin. I'm in heaven.

It takes so much worries away from me. It's almost like reassurance, the way her hands caress my skin. "I love y-you."

Sabrina grins wide, but doesn't say it back. The sparkle in her eyes, her smile, the way she's holding me, says it all. And the way she kisses me.

It's a kiss that immediately makes my heart beat a billion times faster than before and makes me fall a trillion times more in love with her.

Those extremely soft and sweet lips of hers trail against my skin to my ear and she whispers ass softly, "Bubble bath, yeah?"

It takes one simple nod from me and then I'm being carried to the bathroom bridal style. And also wondering how she's so fucking strong.


I'm not usually the type of person to like bubble baths. I mean, I'm a grown ass twenty-year-old woman, not a toddler. I don't need bubbles.

This is a very different circumstance. I'm so relaxed right now, my body laying back into my girlfriends as I sit between her legs.

I love the intimacy of this moment. It really shows how far we've come and how much we've grown as a couple. It's just soft. Just soft.

These fucking bubbles aren't even bothering me right now. I got hands of an angel touching my body under the water. It's all I think about.

Our bodies fit so well together, too. I can just lean my head back and it's resting against her chest, her heartbeat in my ear.

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