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This week will go by way too quick but waking up with her in our own bed is something makes me feel so fucking special. I get too used to this.

Wish we could just stay here forever but travel at the same time because it can be really fun in some ways. Other ways, just hella exhausting.

Simple traveling for a few days is great but this upcoming travel is two weeks. Two weeks of us on planes and having barely any relaxing time.

Not even tryna think about how tired we gonna be for those two weeks and how cranky. About to be the longest two weeks ever but fuck that. 

Still got five days left to wake up next to her in our very own bed with our dog taking up most of the bed anyways. This is what I fucking love.

"You have your own bed over there," mornings are always the best. I love how annoyed she get with the dog because it be just so cute as fuck.

"Nothing gonna s-stop him from try-try— from trying to sleep with us eve-every night." got one hand petting Abstract and the other on my girl.

"Mmhmm," she not awake enough to say a real response and that even cuter. I got her cuddled into my body perfectly and everything perfect.

From how we both got our phones silenced just in case some dumbass tried to interrupt us to it being the perfect cuddle-under-covers weather.

Absolutely nothing would be changed about all this right now. I can already feel the vibe of the day is gonna be so soft and laid back. I love it.

Gonna be a cuddles type of day as if everyone is not already but more so today. We got nothing else to do anyways. Maybe just have lots of sex.


"Can you just fucking listen to me for once and hear my side of things?" one little question can set off a bomb inside me and she just asked it.

Asking that question was something she knows would get be irritated and completely ruin this great morning but she still does anyways. Fuck.

Not like she even needed to know if I been even considering the dumb ass thought of going on medication. No reason for her to know it now.

This is not something that she desperately had to know in order to keep moving on about our day but rather something she wanted to know.

Fucking makes me so angry just being asked it and being mad is dumb but she would not even let me say no to answering. That annoying shit.

All of this is because she care about me but she cares about me so much that it ruins these days where we just cuddle. I need those days as well.

"Listening t-to— to you all— all I-I do!" that far from the truth and my mind knows that but all the stupid emotions run through me right now.

"Oh, yeah? Really?" she laughs a laugh that do not mean something is funny but means she is hella mad, "If you actually did we would not be having this problem right now, River! Fuck— "

"You d-don't get to tell— tell me whether or not to fuck up m-my own life with pills o-or not!" it only make her roll her eyes again, arm crossed.

"The entire problem here is you thinking that is what I want to do! Do you not understand that at all? God, girls are so fucking complicated!"

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