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I slept a little better than last night. Got more than one hour of sleep, is what I mean by that. And I'll settle for that. I'm good.

Just hoping I'll have a good nights sleep tonight because the next morning we gotta go to london. Some award show.

Not looking forward to it but at the same time, I am because I'll be alone with just my girl again. I love that.

Soon we'll be alone together everyday in our new house. It's not confirmed yet but we have officially put an offer in.

Should know pretty soon. That agent girl is doing all the work for us which is good because we is dumb as fuck about that.

We're smart about our cuddles, though. That doesn't make sense but I mean, we're good at cuddling and that's what we doing now.

Our morning cuddles. It's probably my favorite cuddles because Sabrina is still half-asleep and her heartbeat is so calming.

Plus the way she twists my curls around on her finger, all lazily and absentmindedly, it's my favorite thing. Makes me so relaxed.

I'm so relaxed right now. So relaxed. I feel like I could just lay here, my head on her chest and legs tangled into hers, forever.

That's exactly what I want, too. If I could never have to leave this position, I probably wouldn't, honestly. I love it too much.

"London should be fun, honey," her voice is still sleepy and I think that's the cutest thing ever, "Are you excited?"

"Mmmhmmm," I hum out, probably sounding like random mumbles since I've got my face snuggled right into her body.

"You think you'll be my date to the award show?" she asks and I can tell she wants me to say yes without even looking up at her.

That doesn't mean I'm gonna, though. "No way."

Bet she was expecting that and that's why she isn't upset. Even gives me a gentle kiss on my forehead. "Ok,"

I'm honestly so lucky that I have a girlfriend who understands and accepts my anxiety and stuff but still will push me a little bit.

It's what I need. Not like to be forced to going to some big ass event or the mall but just getting me outta the house. I appreciate that.

"Do you think we got that house?" that's been on my mind a whole lot since last night and the talk we had.

"Don't worry about it, baby girl," Sabrina tells me, "Even if we didn't, I'll make sure we end up with it somehow."

"You think you sound so badass, don't you?"

What can I say? I know my girl too well. And judging by the cheesy little grin and giggle she gives, I was right.

That blush isn't helping her case either. What a cutie.


We couldn't stay in bed forever, unfortunately, but we don't gotta do anything today so at least we're staying in the house. I can deal with that.

And with her parents gone out and Sarah on a date, it's just us two downstairs and it feels like it's our own house. Maybe I'm just excited.

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