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Airports have always made me anxious because of just how chaotic they are. It could be four in fucking morning like now and still so crowded.

People trying to get pictures of us and fans that are sweet but annoying as fuck with trying hard to get my girlfriend attention. It is all so much.

No idea how my anxious ass able to make it out of that hell alive. I did it somehow and being in our own home making everything seem better.

Our home might be the only place that give me break from my anxiety. Being able to finally lay down in our own bed fixes almost everything.

Except the fact that our relationship be getting policed the fuck out of from her label. That shit just suck and laying in bed together don't fix it.

"They making me go to the studio and rerecord all my song with girl pronouns to boy pronouns and go change cover art to something less gay."

"Everything gonna be okay." my attention stays mostly on our dog as he lays next to me and be enjoying all the love he finally getting from me.

"You didn't stutter." that brings my attention to her now but not for good reason other than all the cuteness she has in that so adorable smile.

Makes me roll my eyes when she brings up how my speech is improving or is not improving but still got small smile on my face. Just little one.

One that she sees right through and taken all of her focus from the negativity of her label put in me and my speech. All this clear improvement.

Sabrina breathe out while crawling into bed on the side our dog has not taken over. "You never used to stutter, remember? I missed that a bit."

"Th-Thanks." that smile fades and she looks up from where she was about to rest her head onto my chest with concern and slight frown as well.

Never had nobody support as much as she does and she know that. I know she does even when my pettiness like that start to show up at times.

This girl takes a lot of shit from me and she still loves me which is fucking crazy. Really have no idea why but she does. No matter fucking what.

All with a kiss to my forehead when she look up and in my green eyes. "I know you knows what that meant, baby. Come on— I love my queen."

"Then sh-show— then show me." I biting down on my lower lip and she fucking knows what it means when I do that and is usually all for that.

"You really want sex at five in the morning? We need sleep and cuddles— that's it." her icy blue eyes are exhausted. They usually are nowadays.

"Okay." nothing really beats the way she allows her body to fully relax in my arms. It might be better than sex and our sex is always so good.

Cuddling and sex give me the same feeling that just cannot be described. Cuddling with her is basically sex but the orgasms be for your heart.

Weird as fuck but that is exactly what it feel for me and probably for her. Judging by the way it is so easy for her to get comfortable and settle.

And by how she hold my hand. I have my hand on my stomach and laced into hers. I still have my hand held even when she fall into her sleep.

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