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I laughed obnoxiously loud at Finn's unfunny joke as I spotted Shawn walk into the classroom. He focused his gaze on me for a brief second but quickly turned away. He made his way to his seat and I found myself watching his movement. He took a seat beside the new girl and I couldn't help but notice the wave of jealousy that came over me.

It had been a week since Shawn and I broke up, and I still wasn't over it. Every time I see him, all the memories come flooding back. The very thought of him kissing me made tears well in my eyes. I was stupid to beak up with him. Why do I always make the wrong decisions?

10 minutes into the lesson, I heard a roar of laughter. I instantly recognised the laugh. It was Shawn's. I turned my head to see him and the new girl smiling brightly at each other, small snickers still escaping their mouths.

I hated seeing him joke around with another girl. It caused a rush of anger and jealousy to come crashing over me. He should still be with me.

I grab my bag from beside my chair and fling it on my back as I storm out the classroom. Everyone's eyes are glued on me and I hear Mr Martinez yelling after me but I ignore him. I slam the classroom door shut as I leave and that's when the tears pour out.

All I want is him. But he would never want me anymore. He's probably forgotten about me already. I hate this.

Why did I let him go?


okay but lowkey y/n is me

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