party 2

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I ran outside the house and pressed my back up against the brick wall. I slid down it, feeling the tears stream down my face.

What was Luke thinking? Or, more importantly. Why did Shawn punch him?

I heard the front door being pushed open and a tall figure came towards me. I sniffed as I looked up. It was Shawn. I rolled my eyes as he took a seat beside me. There was a brief period of silence before Shawn spoke up.

"Luke's a dick." He whispered, staring down at his hands. I turned to look at them and noticed that they were bloody. I scoffed slightly.

"You didn't have to punch him." I said, folding my arms over my chest. Shawn sighed.

"I did have to. Who knows what he would have done to you if I hadn't stopped him." His voice cracked as he spoke.

I lifted my gaze so that I was now looking at his face. I could see the sadness and hurt in his eyes. He genuinely cares about me.

Using my index finger, I tilted his chin up so he was looking me in the eyes. Before I could process what was happening, his lips were on mine. The familiar feeling sent electricity rushing through body. I placed my hand on his cheek as he smiled into the kiss. He positioned his hands on my hips, and pulled me closer to him.

We pulled away slowly. My forehead rested on his as we both smiled at each other brightly.

"I've missed that." He whispered.


he missed that

shawn mendes imagines [ COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now