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y/n stood before her boyfriend, nervously playing with the ring on her finger - a habit she had recently got into when she was feeling anxious or stressed about something. shawn's eyes were fixed on her. a look of confusion formed on his face, as he tried to figure out what she wanted to tell him.

y/n took a deep breath. it didn't help, though. this feeling of anxiety was greater than she'd ever felt before. she didn't know whether to cry or just run out of the house, avoiding the conversation she'd been putting off for so long yet again.

somehow, she managed to find the strength not to do either. it was time y/n told shawn the truth. she knew she wouldn't be physically able to hide it from him much longer. it's better he finds out sooner rather than later anyway.

taking one last deep breath, y/n finally made eye contact with shawn. she reached her hand into the pocket of her hoodie and clutches on to the item inside for a moment. she hesitated to pull it out.

after a moment, she finally did so. y/n simply held the item out in front of her, so that shawn could see. his eyes widened in shock. it took him a while to process what he was seeing.

y/n anxiously watched his every move closely. he remained still for a while before standing up from the sofa and taking the item from y/n'a hands. he stared down at it, his expression blank.

"you're pregnant?" he finally said, dumbfounded.

y/n slowly nodded her head, unsure of what his reaction meant yet. the look on his face was still blank. she began to play with the ring on her finger once again.

his eyes trailed up to meet hers once again. a small smile began to tug at his lips. y/n felt herself relax at the sight of his sweet smile.

"we're having a baby." he said, quietly.

"yeah, we are." i said, smiling back at him.

shawn wrapped his arms around her. pulling her in for a hug. she immediately wrapped her arms around him, feeling tears brimming in her eyes.

the sense of relief she felt was overwhelming. for a month she'd been terrified to tell him in case he'd leave her. but he didn't. he was happy. he wanted this child with her.

they pulled apart after a moment and he placed a gentle kiss on her lips.

"i love you." he said.

finally, a tear rolled down y/n's cheek. shawn laughed lightly at her.

"you're crying because i said i love you?" he teased. "you know i've said that about 700 times to you before?"

"it's the hormones."

"that's going to be your excuse everytime you cry now."

"it sure is."


this is bad i just felt the need to update.
alsooo i'm seeing billie eilish in july and i'm so fucking excited :)))))

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