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dear shawn

i am writing this letter to you because you thought it would be funny if we wrote letters to each other. i think it's a bit weird but okay. if it makes you happy, i'll do it.

well, i didn't really understand what you wanted me to write so this is essentially going to be a really crappy love letter type thing. i don't know. i'll just start writing and see how it goes from there.

so we've been dating for 5 months now and, i know it's still kind of early in our relationship, but i've never felt happier. i can honestly say i'm in love with you. and i don't say i love you to many people. only my parents, my dog, and now you. oh fuck. was that the first time i've admitted that i'm in love with you? okay wow.

that shit really threwme off and i've been sat here for literally 20 minutes trying to think of where to go from here. i mean if i had said it out loud, i probably would've just kissed (or fucked) you. but guess what? my dumb ass decided to write it in a letter.

i could just throw this in the bin and never give it to you but i kind of like the idea of this now. it's about time i told you anyway.

yeah, i don't know what to say now.

love you.





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