bad idea

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tilting my head back, i downed the rest of my glass of wine. i could feel multiple eyes on me, but i just ignored them and poured myself another glass. i felt a nudge in my side and head snapped to my side. noah stared down at me, a concerned look in his eye.

"are you alright?" he mouthed.

plastering a fake smile on my face, i nodded. his gaze lingered on me for a moment before he turned back to his food.

in all honesty, i wasn't alright. this dinner was probably the worst idea i've ever had in my entire life. no part of me understands what went on in my mind to cause me to think that this might actually be a nice evening.

i'd arranged a double date with for noah and i with shawn and eva. shawn is my ex boyfriend - not that eva and noah know that. as far as they're concerned, we're just friends that had drifted slightly in the past few months. you see, we kept our relationship a secret. i'm not going to get into the reasons why as it's a long and complicated story.

anyway, one night noah and i were sat on the sofa and, out of the blue, he told me that shawn had started dating his sister. now me being me and not giving this idea any thought process whatsoever suggested that we go on a double date. noah was hesitant at first but eventually agreed.

i hadn't seen shawn in a while and i guess i just wanted to try and make him jealous. i mean, i'd be lying if i said i didn't still have slight feelings for him. but it's normal still feel some type of way towards your ex, right? it doesn't mean i'm in love with him still .... right?

i felt a hand gently brush against my arm, snapping me out of my thoughts. i stared back at noah, a blank expression on my face. his expression screamed concern. i offered him a small smile in an attempt to reassure him that i was alright.

i felt a pair of eyes that weren't noah's on mine. my breath hitched in my throat as i hesitated before looking forward again. my eyes landed on shawn's and, sure enough, he was the one staring at me. he had a look in his eyes that i didn't recognise. for the first time since i'd met him, i couldn't read him. and that scared me slightly.

shawn's attention was snatched away from me when eva placed her hand on his. i found myself glaring down at their intertwined hands, a feeling of overwhelming jealously surging through me. i felt tears begin to well in my eyes as i swallowed a lump in my throat.

before i could process what i was doing, i stood up from my seat. without glancing back, i practically ran out of the restaurant. a single tear escaped my eye as my mind wandered to the sight of eva and shawn.

i reached my car and jumped inside it. i threw my purse into the backseat and finally let the tears spill down my cheeks. i rested my head against the steering wheel, my emotions fully getting the better of me.

the sound of a knock on my window took me by surprise. i wipes my eyes before glancing to my side. my whole body froze as i stared at the figure stood by the passenger window.

shawn signalled for me to open the door for him. i unlocked the car door, and leaned over to push it open for him. he clambered inside, slamming the door shut behind him.

we just sat there in silence for a moment, staring at each other. i could feel my breathing get heavier the longer i looked into his eyes. eventually, he tore his eyes away from mine and glanced down at his lap.

"what happened in there?" he asked, his voice soft.

i hesitated before answering.

"i - i hated seeing you two together." i admitted, my voice barely at a whisper.

shawn's head snapped up in my direction. i noticed a small smile creep on to his face as he stared into my eyes. i furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

without hesitation, shawn crashed his lips into mine. my eyes widened in shock before i quickly melted into the kiss. i could feel his lips curling into a smile against mine.

we pulled away after a moment, smiles lingering on our faces.

"i've missed that." shawn muttered.

"me too."


akshdhsks it's so nearly been a year since i saw shawn in concert i literally want to cry

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