valentine's day

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My favourite song echoed around the small room. Polaroids filled with memories decorated the white walls. Dim fairly lights were hung loosely along the ceiling. A soft beanbag sat in the centre of the room, beside a projector.

I took a seat on the beanbag and the music stopped. A large image of Shawn and I appeared on the once blank wall opposite me. A small smile creeped on to my face as a video began to play.

The video was filled with memories: from our first date, to our most recent. Shawn filmed as much as our time together as he could, and I was always a little confused as to why, but now I no longer need to be.

He was saving all the videos for this moment. He wanted to make Valentine's Day extra memorable for me this year. I didn't know how he could top the last 4 years, but he has.

One question lingered in my mind, however. Where was he?

Tears filled my eyes as the video drew to an end. I wiped a few fallen ones from my cheeks. Words appeared on the wall, but I couldn't quite read them as my vision was blurred from crying.

Once I had calmed down slightly, I read what was on the wall.

'happy valentines day. hope you loved the video. now, turn around, i have a surprise for you.'

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Standing up from my comfortable seat on the bean bag, I spun around.

A loud gasp escaped my lips. Shawn stood before me, dressed in a white t shirt and black jeans. A wide smile graced his lips.

"y/n." He began. "I love you more than anything in this world and I don't know what I'd do without you. I cherish every moment we spend together and I don't ever want to lose you. You're so beautiful, funny and talented. I still don't know how I was so lucky to get you to be mine."

A soft chuckled left my mouth. Shawn's grin was still as wide as before. He reached for his pocket and I felt my breathing hitch.

Then he got down on to one knee.

My hands flew over my mouth. My eyes watered and soon enough, tears were streaming down my cheeks. He held the ring box in his hand, opening it to reveal the most beautiful diamond ring I had ever seen.

"y/f/n," he said, smiling brightly, "will you marry me?"

I nodded frantically and leaped into his arms. He placed a short peck on my lips. Beaming smiles painted our faces as we pulled away, staring at each other with more love for one another than was humanly possible.

Shawn stood up, and placed the ring on my finger. I stared down at it, the smile on my face growing bigger by the second.

I took Shawn's hand in mine and gently placed a kiss on the back of it. He blushed slightly and I giggled.

We locked eyes, not saying a word. The look of lust we both shared meant more than any words ever could.


i constantly overthink things and it's beyond annoying. i convince myself of the dumbest shit, and i just end up getting stressed about things i shouldn't be stressed about.

ugh. hope u liked the story anyway.

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