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My hands began to shake and my mouth grew dry. I was frozen in my position.

Shawn's footsteps became quieter by the second. As soon as they disappeared, I knew he was forever to be simply a distant memory.

And I hated that.

The thought of never seeing him again caused my heart to ache and my eyes to prick with tears. The indescribable feeling of his lips against mine would be no more.

Shawn and I would be no more.

Tears spilled from my eyes, instantly flooding my cheeks. The pain I felt grew too much.

I dropped to my knees, my hands continuing to shake furiously. Loud sobs escaped my lips. I desperately tried to stop the tears from falling, but nothing I could do was stop them.

The only thing that could cure me right now was having Shawn back. Or waking up and this all being some horrible nightmare. Shawn and I were still together and he would be right beside me to comfort me.

But that's not the case. We are no longer together. And without him, I know I'll be needing stitches.


it's 2:40 in the morning, i can't sleep and i can't stop thinking about the live version of stitches. might go watch my videos of it. maybe ill cry a bit. who even knows. literally got home from the concert an hour so not doing so good.

also sorry this is really crap i just hadn't updated in a few days and i was really bored so wanted to write something.

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