stay away from you

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Sighing, I set the used cup in the sink. I rested my hands on the edge of the sink as I thought over what had happened last night.

Suddenly, I felt a chest against my back. A pair of arms then slid round my waist and I dropped my head, instantly knowing who it was.

"Shawn, stop." I groaned.

I heard him sigh and then release his arms from around my waist. My skin felt cold from the lack of his touch, and I had to bite my lip to stop myself from whining.


"It was a stupid mistake, it never should have happened." Shawn said. "I know. You've said it many times already."

I turned to face Shawn. He was now leaning against the island, staring at me. I couldn't help but notice how attractive he looked right now. But I quickly brushed off the thoughts.

"I'm sorry." I said, genuinely. "We need to stay away from each other."

Shawn stared at me blankly.

"You know we can't do that." He said.

I knew he was right. Every time, I told him the same thing. 'We need to stay away from each other'. But it never works. We always find our way back to each other.

I don't know why we even need to anymore. I'm no longer with Josh. Why don't we just finally admit what we've both been thinking all along?

And with that one thought, I give in. I rushed over to him and crashed my lips into his. He was shocked for a moment, but eventually kissed back.

Our lips moved perfectly in sync. The kiss we shared in that moment was more passionate and intimate than any other we'd ever shared before.

We pulled away. Our foreheads rested on each other's, goofy smiles planted on our faces.

"I could never stay away from you." He whispered.

"Me neither."


roses. holy fuck roses. i love that song honestly too much. omg. it's so amazing. literally sends like chills down my spine. shawn's voice. holy shit. im sorry ill stop now.

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