notice me

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He watched her from across the room, his eyes not leaving her face. It was as if I wasn't even here. I huffed in frustration as I stormed off from him.

Whilst I poured myself a new drink, I looked over my shoulder at him. He hadn't moved. I doubt he even realised I had left. I slammed my cup down on the table in anger.

Why did he never notice me anymore? Someone else was always better to look at. It shouldn't be this way. I'm his girlfriend. I should be the only one he looks at longingly.

I grasped my cup in my hand and walked back over to him. I tapped him on the shoulder and his head snapped over in my direction. I gave him the bitchiest smile I could muster and he stared at me, confused.

"y/n, what's-"

But I cut him off by dumping my alcoholic drink on his head. I slammed the cup on the ground and stared at him with hurt yet anger in my eyes.

"What the-"

"Why don't you ever pay attention to me anymore? Am I so awful to look at? Why do you spend all your time pining over other girls? I'm not blind, Shawn! I can see the way you're looking at Danielle right now!" I yelled. I felt tears well in my eyes but I furiously blinked them back.

"It's not what it looks like." He mumbled.

"Then what is it, Shawn? Huh? Spit it out, asshole!" I screamed. Everyone in the party was staring at us, including Danielle.

"I don't want to tell you here." He whispered.

"Why not?"

"Because....I can't."

"Oh, you know what? Fuck you, Shawn! I don't give a fuck about your pathetic excuses. I'll just leave. You'll be happy then." I said, the tears slowly escaping my eyes.

I went to storm off but Shawn grabbed my wrist. I attempted to get him off me, but he wouldn't let go. Instead he leaned closer to me, so that I could feel his hot breath on my neck. It sent shivers down my spine.

"I think Danielle might be my sister that I've been searching for." He muttered so only I could hear.

My face dropped. What had I done?



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