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never has anyone seen so much love in someone's eyes. the way shawn and y/n gazed into one another's eyes could make even the coldest of hearts warm.

whenever they were together, the whole world seemed to stop and stare. they were so unbelievably perfect for one another. they were the couple everyone wanted to be. the soulmates everyone wished to one day find for themselves.

y/n was the kind of person every girl was jealous of. she had flawless skin. the most beautiful hair. all the girls wanted to be her. all the boys wanted to bang her.

but she only had eyes for shawn.

shawn was the quiet boy, who was secretly incredibly talented. his singing voice was like that of an angel. he played guitar so effortlessly, as if that's what he had been put on this earth solely to do.

ever since the day y/n first heard shawn sing, she knew he was destined to be successful. with a voice like that, how could he not be?

and that was exactly what he became: successful.

however, through all the new found fame and money, shawn never lost sight of what really mattered. he never forgot about those he cared about. he kept his loved ones close.

especially y/n.

y/n was the reason he even got the courage to post that first cover on youtube. she was the inspiration behind all of his songs. he couldn't imagine a life without her.

shawn knew since the day he met y/n that she was all he ever wanted. he knew he wanted her by his side, no matter what happened.

and y/n felt just the same.

she promised to love and support him no matter what. she promised to hold him in his darkest times. she promised to love him endlessly. she promised to always be his.

because, after all, he was her lover.


sorry i haven't updated in like a month. i don't even have a reason as to why.

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