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I felt myself being lifted off my feet. A slight squeal left my lips and a wide smile overtook my face. I hit Shawn's back, which just caused him to laugh.

"Let me down." I whined.

Shawn laughed once again.

When I thought he was going to put me down, he took off running. I screamed, clinging on to him in fear of falling from his grip.

Shawn tripped, causing him to stumble and his grip on me to loosen. A wave of panic quickly came over me. As I was about to fall, I felt his strong arms wrap around my waist.

I sighed in relief.

"You're a dick." I muttered as he placed me back down on to the grass.

Shawn smiled down at me before taking a step towards me. The distance between us was practically non existent. I felt my breath hitch in my throat.

He titled his head down so that our lips were inches apart. I felt my hands twitch in anticipation. His lips brushed mine ever so gently before he pulled away.

I stared up at him, pouting.

"What was that for?" I questioned, folding my arms over my chest.

He shrugged. I was about to say something else when he picked me up once again. He threw me over his shoulder.

"Shawn!" I screamed.

He ignored my yelling and walked forwards.

Shawn stopped suddenly. Furrowing my eyebrows in confusion, I tilted my head up to glance at where we were. I noticed that we were back at his car.

He placed me down once again and unlocked the car. He opened the back door and gently pushed me inside. I climbed over so I was sat behind the driver's seat. Shawn clambered in beside me, slamming his car door shut behind him.

Wordlessly, he moved towards me. His hands gently gripped on to my hips and he crashed his lips into mine. I was taken aback for a moment, but soon melted into the kiss.

It quickly turned more heated. His hands moved to the hem of my shirt and he pulled it up over my head.

He pushed me down so that I was laying back on the seat. He then proceeded to climb on top of me and trail kisses down my neck.

It was then that I felt something hard press against my thigh. I instantly realised what it was.



also am i the only one who was completely expecting it to be slow and one to ball my eyes out to?

shawn mendes imagines [ COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now