wait for you

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Shawn's PoV

I took a deep breath as I stepped onto the stage. I made my way over to the piano, the sound of excited screams filling my ears. With a small smile plastered on my face, I waved at the fans.

I scanned the arena, hoping she would be here.

What am I even doing? We broke up two months ago, of course she won't come to my show. I sighed as I began to play the piano. The fans cheered and screamed hysterically. I softly sung the words to 'In My Blood', trying desperately to get her off my mind.

By the end of the song, I was stood up in front of my microphone stand. I spotted multiple fans crying already. I gave a small wave to the ones that were, which just caused them to cry even more.

"Okay, for this next song, I need you all to join in." I said, smiling slightly. I took a deep breath as I placed my hands on the microphone.

"Maybe I had too many drinks, but that's just what I needed." I began to sing the words to When You're Ready: the song I had written and released a week after y/n and I broke up.

The fans seemed to love the song, but little did they know just how much meaning there was behind it.

They have no idea everything that happened between us. They have no idea how in love I still am with her. They have no idea that I would wait my whole life for her.

Anytime you're ready, I'm waiting.


we stan when you're ready

shawn mendes imagines [ COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now