brutal honesty

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I'm writing this letter because I truly don't know how to say what I'm going to write in here out loud.

It kills me to see you with Heidi. Everyday, when I see you two walking the halls, all I want to do is tear her off of you and slap her round the face. That's bad, I know. But I can't help how I feel.

I'm just trying to be real with you, Shawn. So let me be brutally honest.

She's no good for you. You deserve someone who will treat you with complete respect. Someone who appreciates being with you. And doesn't think that they're too good for you.

You deserve someone who feels lucky to have you. Someone who would care for you. Love you.

You deserve someone who isn't just with you for sex. Or is using you to get 5 minutes of fame.

You deserve so much more than her.

I'm sorry, but I couldn't keep it in anymore. I really care about you and I don't want to see you get hurt by her.

You'll probably hate me for slagging off your girlfriend, but I don't care. All I'm doing is telling you what no one else will. I'm just looking out for you.

I was friends with her for a year, Shawn. I know what she's really like.

Again, I'm sorry. Just know that I do care for you so much. Remember that when you want to punch me in the face after reading this.

- y/n

ps. im slightly in love with you :/


that end line.......sorry

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