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i always loved the idea of having to hide a relationship. all the sneaking around and stolen moments that only the two of you knew about just seemed so appealing to me. the thrill of never knowing whether or not you'd get caught excited me.

until i experienced a hidden relationship myself.

don't get me wrong, the first stage is exciting. it's so new and you're so into the person that you don't care if the world can't know yet. as long you get to be with them, that's okay.

but then comes the second stage. this is when you start to notice all the couples around you more. you notice how happy they are to able to openly express their love for one another. and you begin to long for that for yourself. except you can't have that, because you aren't allowed to tell the world who you were in love with.

i have been hiding my relationship with shawn for the past three months now. the reason being is that shawn is in the public eye and very heavily shipped with another artist. his management fears that if we were to announce our relationship, shawn and i would receive mass amount of hate. therefore this would lead to him losing fans and ultimately losing money somehow. obviously, management wants to avoid that happening at all costs. so they put money over their client's happiness.

all i want is to be able to walk down the street hand in hand with my boyfriend. i want to kiss him in front of everyone. i want to go out on dates with him. i want the whole world to know that he is mine and i am his.

and, believe me, i would do anything to make that a reality.


i love the jonas brothers

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