what are friends for

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a sudden knock on my door caused my eyes to shoot open. i leaned over to grab my phone, checking the time. my eyebrows furrowed in confusion. why is someone coming to my house at 2am?

glancing over at the tv, i noticed i'd fallen asleep midway through a movie. i paused it, as the knocking continued, growing louder and faster. pushing myself up from my sofa, i made my way to my front door. i unlocked it and pulled it open. without any hesitation, the person hurried inside, slamming the door shut behind them.

"what the fuck?" i groaned.

my eyes trailed over to the person who'd just entered my house. it took me a minute to work out who it was.

"shawn? what are you doing here?"

"i'm sorry, i didn't know where else to go." he apologised.

he took a seat on my sofa, slumping back into it. i locked the front door once again before taking a seat beside shawn. my head tilted in his direction.

his expression was unreadable. i couldn't tell if he was stressed, scared or sad. his face was just blank.

"are you going to tell me why you're here?" i pushed.

he let out a loud sigh.

"you were right about bella." he said, quietly. "she's a fucking psycho."

"what did she do?"

"she texted me asking to come over so i said yes. i got there and i caught her in bed with jack. she then acted all surprised and started trying to explain herself, but i just ran. and before i knew it, she was chasing after me, screaming that she loves and never meant to hurt me. you live the closest so i just came to you."

i just stared at him blankly, unsure of how to respond. i mean, i knew there was something wrong with that girl, but what he just told me is quite....extreme. who in their right mind would purposely get caught cheating? i will never understand what goes through her head to think something like what she did is okay.

the sound of a phone ringing caused me to jump. shawn let out a small laugh before glancing down at his phone. he groaned, throwing his head back when he read the caller id.



without thinking, i took the phone from his hands and answered the call. i put it on speaker, so that shawn could hear as well.

"what are you-" shawn began, but was cut off.

"shawn, i'm so sorry!" she yelled. "i never meant to hurt you!"

"if you never meant to hurt him, then why did you invite him over when you knew were fucking his best friend at that exact time? i mean, come on, you didn't think he wouldn't see, did you?"

"y/n? what the fuck are you doing with my boyfriend?"

i let out a loud laugh. out the corner of my eye, i could see shawn fighting back a smile.

"you're delusional if you think he's still your boyfriend."

"he is my boyfriend. you're just jealous that he chose me over you in the first place."

my breath hitched in my throat. i could feel shawn's eyes burning into the side of my head. however, i avoided eye contact with him at all costs. she really had to bring that up, didn't she?

"look, bella. you and shawn are over. there's something seriously wrong with you and you're not going to get another boyfriend if you don't sort yourself out anytime soon. so just a word of advice, get yourself some help before you even think about dating again. bye."

i hung up the phone and dropped it on to the coffee table. i glanced over at shawn and gave him a small smile before standing up from the sofa.

"y/n." he said.

i stopped and turned back to face him.

"thank you."

"what are friends for, huh?"

he hesitated before giving me a weak smile. for a second i thought he was going to say something else, but i guess not.

"you can stay here tonight, i'll set up the sofa for you."


my harry styles concert got pushed back until next year which is kinda sad but at least it's not cancelled :))

also let me know if you want a part 2 to this!!

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