no promises

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Shawn's hands glided across my skin. Goosebumps formed on my arms as his fingertips grazed my arm ever so gently.

I knew exactly what was going to happen the moment we stepped into his hotel room.

Our lips connected and Shawn took no time in pushing me back on to the bed. My hands moved to the hem of his shirt and I lifted it up over his head. I instantly smashed my lips back into his.

He trailed soft kisses down my jawline and neck until he arrived at my collarbone. He began to suck on my skin and I felt a moan escape my lips. He smirked against me which just caused me to moan again.

A loud knock on the door caused me to throw Shawn off of me. He tumbled off the bed. A small laugh escaped my lips as he stared up at me; a smirk gracing his lips.

I threw his shirt at him. He caught it, standing up quickly. Fixing my hair slightly, I watched as Shawn walked over to the door.

As soon as he opened it, Andrew, his manager, burst inside. He looked pissed off as he flicked his gaze between Shawn and I.

I felt my cheeks turn a deep red. He knew exactly what Shawn and I were just doing.

"What's up, Andrew?" Shawn asked, walking over to sit next to me on the bed.

Andrew huffed in frustration before pacing around the room.

"What the fuck is going on between you guys?" He questioned, his head snapping in our direction as he stopped pacing.

I quickly glanced at Shawn. Why did he look so calm right now? I didn't want to have to explain to his manager our situation. That's kind of awkward.

"Well, it's slightly complicated." Shawn said, shrugging.

"I bet it's not." Andrew grumbled.

"It's just kind of embarrassing to admit to you, Andrew." I butted in.

Andrew's head slowly turned to face me. He gave me a weird look before shaking his head and turning back to Shawn.

"I think I know exactly what's going on here." He said, folding his arms across his chest.

Shawn and I glanced at each other, my cheeks flushing a deep red for the third time in the past 5 or so minutes. Shawn smirked slightly before turning back to Andrew.

"And what's that?" He asked.

"You've got some friends with benefits type relationship going on." Andrew stated.

He's not wrong. But he's not right either.

Yeah, we have some agreement that whenever we feel sexually frustrated, we turn to each other to relieve ourselves of that. But there's slightly more to it.

What Andrew doesn't know is that Shawn and I used to secretly date. We decided that we didn't quite work out as a couple, however, but still wanted each other to satisfy our needs. We both craved each other in a sexual way, just not necessarily as a relationship. We knew no one else could ever beat the electricity we felt when in intimate moments together.

So therefore we are friends with benefits, I guess.

"Am I right?" Andrew groaned, his tone growing more frustrated.

I nodded slowly. Shawn watched me as I did so. After a few seconds, he nodded as well, confirming Andrew's suspicions.

Andrew sighed loudly.

"Are you okay with that?" I asked.

Even if his answer was no, I knew Shawn and I would still continue what we were doing. As long as he didn't find out that we'd gone behind his back, we'd be fine. And as long as he doesn't tell my manager about this, we'll be fine.

"This isn't my choice to make." He said. "If you want to continue, then fine. I'm fine with that. Just, please, promise me you'll keep this out the public eye. The last thing we need is both your fans getting into your shit."

"No promises." Shawn said, smirking at me.

I rolled my eyes, but couldn't help smiling at him.

"Shawn." Andrew warned.

"I was kidding!" Shawn said, throwing his arms up defensively.

"You better have been."

Before either Shawn or I could respond, Andrew left the hotel room. As soon as the door slammed, Shawn climbed right back on top of me.

I giggled at his sense of urgency. He began attacking my neck and jawline with kisses once again.

"Shawn." I said.

"Mhm." He mumbled into my neck.

The vibration of his reply against my bare neck, caused me to squirm beneath him. I pulled him up for another kiss before quickly pulling away and staring him in the eyes.

"You weren't kidding, were you?" I said, smirking.



i was listening to no promises and i decided i wanted to write something based off the title. that song gets me hyped as shit.

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